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"Why does this always happen to me?" Jeonghan sighed as tried to get into his car.

Jeonghan locked his keys in his car for the third time that week. He always has a spare key in his backpack, but instead of finding his spare in its usual spot, he found a hole instead. He must've dropped his spare key somewhere in the halls. He groaned in frustration and trudged back to the school entrance.

He bumped into Seungcheol and Joshua at the entrance and started complaining before they could even ask what was wrong.

"I'm literally the unluckiest person to ever live," Jeonghan complained on the top of his lungs.

"Do you want us to help you look for your key?" Joshua asked.

"Could you?" Jeonghan asked hopefully.

"Yeah, I'm sure someone must've found it on the floor and turned it into a teacher or something," Seungcheol said.

"Thanks," Jeonghan sighed a breath of relief and followed his friends back into the school building.

The three boys walked around from office to office while asking if any of them found the key that Jeonghan lost. After thirty minutes of staying in the school, the boys were not able to find Jeonghan's key. Jeonghan sighed yet again and walked out of the school with his friends, his friends trying to cheer the poor boy up.

"Do you want to come over and play video games? That might cheer you up," Seungcheol offered.

"Yeah, sounds better than this shitty day I'm having," Jeonghan said.

He dug into his pants pocket to get his earbuds, only to see that his earbuds were all tangled up, and in the midst of the wires was his spare key tangled along with the wires. Jeonghan almost flung his backpack on the ground as he held up his key to the sky and started screaming. Joshua and Seungcheol tried to calm down the angry boy, but he was too angry to be calmed.

"This is the worst day of my life!" Jeonghan screamed.

"It could be worse!" Joshua said. "It could honestly be pouring right now."

Just as Joshua said that, there was a crack of thunder and a flash of lightning. Seungcheol and Jeonghan both glared at Joshua as they felt droplets of rain fall on their heads and arms.

"My bad," Joshua apologized.

"Just get into the car before it rains," Jeonghan grumbled as he unlocked his car.

The three boys got into Jeonghan's car, Seungcheol sitting shotgun. Jeonghan put his spare key back into his backpack and started his car. The rain started pouring as Jeonghan pulled out of the parking lot. It was difficult for him to see the road, so instead of driving thirty over the speed limit and getting home as soon as he can, Jeonghan was forced to actually drive safely for once. He groaned as he hit yet another red light and waited for the signal to turn green.

"At least it's the weekend," Seungcheol said.

"This whole week was complete shit for me, though," Jeonghan complained on the top of his lungs. "My phone broke, I almost got in a car accident, I failed my chemistry test, I got ketchup stains on my favorite white shirt, I couldn't buy lunch for a couple days because I had no money in my lunch account-"

"Geez, you sound like a train wreck," Joshua said.

"Tell me about it," Jeonghan said.

Jeonghan turned into Seungcheol's neighborhood and almost hit a little kid standing out in the rain playing with a boat. Angrily, Jeonghan rolled down his window and was about to yell at the kid when Seungcheol stopped him.

"Wait, don't say a word," Seungcheol hissed.

"Why?" Jeonghan was about to punch Seungcheol.

"That's Georgie," Seungcheol said.

"Okay, and?" Jeonghan glared at Seungcheol.

"Just keep driving, Jeonghan. You're getting rain in the car," Joshua sighed.

Jeonghan grumbled to himself as he rolled the window back up and drove away. He pulled up onto Seungcheol's driveway, and the three boys ran into Seungcheol's house before they could get drenched in the rain. As soon as the boys got inside, the three of them went to Seungcheol's basement and scattered themselves in front of the projector screen. Joshua got up to turn on the projector and the console since he knew well enough where they were and he also knew that Seungcheol would not want to get up once he sat down.

"Thanks, Josh," Seungcheol said as he laid down on the sofa.

Jeonghan was quiet as the other two boys continued talking to each other about whatever came to their minds. They both noticed that Jeonghan was being extremely quiet for once, and they both glanced at each other awkwardly before turning to comfort their friend.

"Don't worry, Jeonghan. The week is over right? Next week won't be so bad," Seungcheol patted Jeonghan's shoulder.

"Just relax, the worst is over. Play some video games, and don't worry," Joshua handed Jeonghan a controller with a smile.

"Alright," Jeonghan sighed and took the controller.

The boys played whatever games their hearts desired- most of them being shooting games, for some reason- and Jeonghan could feel his worries melt away. The boys ended the night playing their most favorite video game, and just as the clock struck midnight, their team finally won a game. The boys cheered on the tops of their lungs and started clapping to celebrate their victory. As they celebrated, however, Seungcheol's mother opened the door and yelled at the boys to be quiet since it was midnight, after all.

"Do you feel better now?" Seungcheol asked Jeonghan after the boys turned off the consoles.

"A lot better," Jeonghan grinned.

Instead of responding, Seungcheol just started clapping. Joshua joined Seungcheol in clapping, and soon, Jeonghan started clapping as well. The boys clapped their worries away, and they got yelled at again for clapping, but they didn't care because the clapping made their worries and stress go away. Everything was better after they clapped.

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