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"Guys, let me introduce you to my girlfriend, Jinhee," Seokmin said as he gestured to the girl on his right.

His friends all greeted Jinhee, who smiled and waved as she said hello. Seokmin grinned from ear to ear as Jinhee sat down at the campfire next to Seokmin and his friends. Seokmin honestly was worried at first. He didn't know how his friends were going to react to Jinhee since none of them liked his other girlfriend when he brought her to the last campfire.

"Your name is super similar to my girlfriend's name," Mingyu laughed as he pointed at his girlfriend, who was on his right.

"Hi, my name is Jinah. We've heard so many lovely things about you!" Jinah waved at Jinhee before hitting her boyfriend's shoulder. "This is my rude boyfriend Mingyu who apparently does not have the basic decency to introduce himself to you."

Mingyu and Jinah then started bickering as the rest of the boys at the campfire laughed. Jinhee couldn't help but laugh too, which made Seokmin relieved enough to laugh as he normally would. He finished introducing the rest of the boys at the campfire.

"That's Minghao with his girlfriend, Sanha. Jisoo and Chanmi are to their left, April is next to Chanmi, and her boyfriend is Vernon," Seokmin pointed at his friends as he introduced them. "That's Jeonghan over there, and he has a girlfriend, but none of us really like her, nor does she like us. We try not to invite her to things like this."

Jinhee nodded and smiled at Seokmin. Seokmin really was relieved; he didn't know if Jinhee was going to feel overwhelmed with all of his friends, but all of his doubts vanished when he saw her talking to the girls at the campfire as if she's know them for years. Seokmin relaxed quite a bit, and he, too, joined in on the campfire banter.

As they sat by the campfire, one by one, the remaining of his friends joined. They all sat by their weekly campfire (since it was summer) and shared stories, ate food, and played music. Jisoo brought his guitar to the campfire that day, and he played a couple of songs for the teenagers. They all swayed to the songs and some people even got up to dance. It was these moments that Seokmin lived for. He wanted to make good memories with his friends, and he wanted to share them with the girl he currently liked a lot.

"Are you having fun?" Seokmin asked Jinhee.

"Yeah, thank you for bringing me along," Jinhee smiled as she reached for Seokmin's hand.

Soon, the sun was completely gone, and the moon was full. It shone above the teenagers at the campfire, and it glistened as Jinhee and Seokmin sat a little closer to each other. Everyone else faded as the two gazed into each others eyes and devoted all of their attention to one another. Seokmin was grateful to have met Jinhee. He was grateful that he was able to spend that moment with her, and he was grateful that she wanted to spend that moment with him as well. Their shoulders brushed slightly as they both leaned in and kissed each other. As they leaned away from each other after their small kiss, they could hear their friends either cheering or screaming for them. A blush rose to Jinhee's cheeks as she realized their state. Seokmin laughed and pulled Jinhee into his chest for a hug.

"Get a room!" Vernon screamed.

"Shut up, Vernon, you and April do worse things in public," Chanmi threw a stick at Vernon's head.

The teenagers all started laughing as the campfire continued crackling. Their group was still lively as the time passed and the night got later and later. Seokmin let Jinhee lean on his shoulder and let her sleep for a quick second as their friends discussed their futures.

"Guys, we're going to be seniors next year," April said.

"That's so scary," Jeonghan whispered. "I don't feel like a senior."

"Oh my god, we're going to be graduating next year. I think that's scarier," Jinah turned to Mingyu.

"Even after we graduate, we'll still stay together," Mingyu wrapped his arm around Jinah. "All of us will stay together."

The whole group agreed, and Jinhee woke up from her slight nap. She looked Seokmin, who was gazing at her fondly. He kissed her forehead and asked, "Will we stay together even after we graduate?"

Jinhee nodded and placed her hand in Seokmin's. She brought their hands to her cheek and said, "We'll stay together for as long as humanly possible, Seokmin."

The two grinned at each other before kissing each other one more time. This time, they didn't care about how their friends reacted because they loved each other, and that would never change. Their campfire memories would keep them together, all of them. Their campfire might die out every night, but their memories would last forever.

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