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Soonyoung liked to daydream about the girl he had a crush on. She was on the school's dance team, and she was really good at dancing. He liked the way her body moved to the beat whenever he saw her dance. She, however, was taken, which meant that he shouldn't like her. In a way, she was like a married woman because she had been dating her boyfriend for four years at that point. They were inseparable, and even though Soonyoung knew this, he still couldn't help but like her.

"Bro, you need to find yourself a girlfriend or get over Hyori," Junhui told Soonyoung during lunch one day. "It's not good if you keep thinking about her. That's unhealthy."

"He can't help it if he dreams about her, but you're right. He needs to get over her," Minghao agreed.

"What do you think I should do, then?" Soonyoung sighed. "I went to the nurse to take a nap today, and they said I was talking in my sleep about a girl. I wanted to die."

"Maybe we need to find you a girl," Chan said.

"I don't like blind dating or getting set up by friends. I need to find a girl myself, and I need to have known her for a while for me to want to date her," Soonyoung explained.

"Then you can just stick to having Hyori ridden dreams," Junhui got frustrated. "Your requirements are worse than my friends dumb "I want him to play with my hair!" requirements, please, Soonyoung."

The boys were quiet for a while. They ate their lunches and threw away their trash before returning to their table. Chan was the first to speak when they got back to the table.

"I know that you want to have known the girl for a while, but I've known the girl Junhui is talking about for quite a while too, and I think you would like her. Give her a try, why don't you?" Chan asked.

"She needs to be willing to date him too, though," Junhui mumbled.

"Are you saying that she might think Soonyoung is ugly?" Minghao started laughing.

The three boys, other than Soonyoung, cracked up. They laughed so hard that Junhui almost fell off of his seat. Soonyoung slammed the table and said with a frown, "I think I'm just as attractive as Junhui!"

"Nah, you ain't as pretty as me, you ugly," Junhui shook his head.

Soonyoung was ready to punch Junhui, but Chan stopped him.

"Look, we'll set you both up for a date, and we'll see how things go from there. For now," Chan turned to Junhui. "Junhui, give Soonyoung her number."


"No buts!" Minghao cut Soonyoung off. "You need to get over a girl you haven't even dated, and the only way to do that is to go and date on your own!"

Soonyoung really didn't want to go on the date that his friends were forcing him to go on, but Chan coaxed him a lot. He promised to buy Soonyoung a video game he had been dying to get his hands on for the past several months, and with that, Soonyoung went on his dreaded date. He'd seen a couple of pictures of the girl, and although she wasn't drop dead gorgeous like Hyori, she still was pretty cute. He also texted her a couple times, and the way she texted wasn't that overwhelming. Soonyoung just had to keep convincing himself that this girl was going to be fine even if she wasn't Hyori.

The two were supposed to meet for coffee. Soonyoung, for once in his life, was running late, but that didn't seem to be an issue when he saw the girl he was supposed to be meeting running towards the coffee shop as well. They both stopped at the door and exchanged breathless greetings.

"Hi, I'm Jimin," she stuck her hand out.

"Soonyoung," Soonyoung introduced herself. "I thought I was going to be late, so I ran here."

"Same," Jimin laughed. "At least we both are late together."

Soonyoung laughed as well and smiled. He opened the door for Jimin, and the two entered the coffee shop. They ordered their drinks from Minghao (who works there and decided to schedule their date during his shift so he could keep an eye on the two and report back to "headquarters" as Junhui called it) and sat down at a table across from each other. Soonyoung really did expect the date to be awkward mainly because he though Jimin was on the quieter side by the way she texts. Turns out, Jimin was very enthusiastic and was very interesting. Her conversations were enthralling, and Soonyoung found himself engrossed in this girl who was so peculiar.

Minghao was watching all of Soonyoung's facial cues as he reported in the group chat about how Soonyoung and Jimin's date were going. During his break, he had to call the other two boys because his phone was going to fall apart at the alarming amounts of texts messages Junhui was sending all at once.

"They really hit it off! I think this is going to work," Minghao whispered excitedly.

"Quick, what are they doing right now?" Junhui asked.

"Uh, Jimin made a joke, and Soonyoung choked on his drink and is laughing while choking," Minghao said while trying not to laugh.

"That's good that they're getting along well!" Chan said.

"Alright, I need to go back to work. I'll you guys again later. Junhui, stop texting me," Minghao instructed before hanging up and slipping his phone into his pocket.

The two teenagers on their date ended up staying at the coffee shop right until closing, and Jimin left before Soonyoung. Soonyoung walked over to Minghao with a drunk smile on his face despite the fact that he didn't drink any alcohol. Minghao smiled at his friend as Soonyoung gushed on and on about Jimin.

"She's literally so perfect! Minghao, she's the best. I like her a lot," Soonyoung sighed. "I wonder when we can go on another date."

Minghao checked his phone at that time to see that Junhui, even though he told him not to, texted. It was a good thing that Junhui texted, though, because what he had to say was not good news for anyone.

"Hey, uh, Soonyoung, you might want to check the group chat," Minghao said awkwardly.

"Why?" Soonyoung said happily as he pulled out his phone from his pocket.

Three seconds later, Soonyoung was crying on Minghao's shoulder, and Minghao was consoling his despairing friend. Turns out that Jimin liked Soonyoung's company, but she didn't really want to date him. She still wanted to be friends, though.

"Minghao, what did I do wrong?" Soonyoung cried.

"I don't know, I'm sorry, buddy," Minghao sighed.

"I can't stop thinking about her now!" Soonyoung sniffed.

"Don't tell me she replaced Hyori," Minghao shook his head.

"I'm going to dream about her tonight," Soonyoung said after a moment. "I can feel it."

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