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"Flower, won't you come back? I'm lonely. Flower, won't you come back? I'm not the only one that is lonely."

Chan looked up into the sky. He wasn't fighting back tears, but he felt something swell in his chest. He didn't know what to make of it.

"Flower, won't you at least tell me what went wrong? I thought you loved me as much as I loved you. Flower, won't you at least tell us what went wrong? We all loved you so much."

Chan looked to his left. Seungcheol, Jeonghan, Wonwoo, Minghao, and Seungkwan all sat in a row to his left. They all were staring at the sky.

"Flower, why did you hurt me with your thorns? You promised you wouldn't hurt me with those. "Flower, why did you hurt us with your thorns? Didn't you promise us you would use those thorns to protect us?

Chan looked to the sky. The sky was strikingly bluer than usual, and there were no clouds in the sky. The sun shone on them harshly, and a slight breeze ran through their hair and past their ears.

"Flower, didn't you promise to heal my scars? You said you would help me get rid of them. Why aren't they gone yet? Flower, didn't you promise to heal our scars? You said they would go away because you would always be here. Why aren't they gone yet?"

Chan stood up and walked around. He looked down at the green grass growing beneath him, and he walked towards the shade of a tree. He stood by the tree and kept looking down at the grass.

"Flower, why did you have to leave so soon? You said you would never leave me. Flower, why did you have to leave so soon? You said you would never leave us."

Seungcheol joined Chan, then Jeonghan, then Wonwoo, then Minghao, then Seungkwan. They all stood in a circle, their hands resting motionless at their sides. They all took in a breath together.

"Flower, thank you for being with me. Flower, thank you for being with us. Even though you were mine, even though you were ours, I love you, we love you. Flower, don't forget about me. Flower, don't forget about us. Flower, you're always blooming in my heart. Flower, you're always blooming in our hearts. Flower, I love you. Flower, we love you."

Chan pressed his head against the tree. He prayed to his flower, his love, and he pressed his lips onto the carvings in the tree. He took a step back and let his friends engulf him in a hug. Not only would Chan miss Flower, but so would the rest of them. They all loved her, and Flower loved them back.

"Come on," Jeonghan whispered. "Flower lives on."

"Are you sure?" Chan's voice trembled. "She was with me ever since I was a little boy. How can you be so sure she'll still be with us?"

"As long as the claw marks are still on the sofa, she'll still live on," Minghao assured the now crying boy.

Chan blinked and let tears roll down his face. He nodded and smiled through his tears as the left the tree where Flower was buried. As the left the tree, though, Seungcheol could've sworn he heard Wonwoo say, "I never liked that cat anyway."

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