Chapter 3~

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*Jessica's POV*

Wow that was weird, he's never done that to me...

Oh we'll I just try to talk to him in science.

*no ones POV*

As everyone was walking into their first period class everyone said their hellos. As usual Mr. Klein's class was silent and boring.

He took role and then told us to start on our work.

It was only 55 minutes later when the bell rang but to everyone in that class it felt like a lifetime. Everyone hated that class. If you whispered you would be moved away from the person you were talking to.

Jessica made her way to science. She saw Caleb walk in so she decided to sit down on a bench for awhile and think about what she would say to him. When she checked the time she saw that she only had 1 minute left until the late bell.

So she hurried into the class and pulled out her textbook.

After Mrs. Trevor took role Jessica pulled out her phone and sent a text to Caleb saying,

"hey, what was this morning all about?"

She could tell that he saw it because she heard a vibration and saw him unlock his phone. When she looked down it said that he had read it. But by the time she looked up at him again he had put his phone away.

She decided to give him space and maybe text him after school, since everyone was going to go study at Starbucks.

*Caleb's POV*

Should I talk to her? I mean she looked sad all day and when I read her text I just got mad because she knows I hate talking during science. (I don't know why I just don't like it)

The only reason I'm upset is because I

I should just tell her how I feel. Maybe she might feel the same way..

Oh who am I kidding she won't... But there is no harm in telling her how I feel.

*no ones POV*

When Jessica got home she did her homework and then texted Caleb.

She wrote:

"Hey, are you mad at me? Or..."

After a while she received a text from him saying:

"No I'm not I just need to tell you something but I don't know how to say it."

Jessica read it and replied:

"Ok just say it, you know you can tell me anything."

Caleb started typing and he wrote:

"Ok here it goes...."

-----is Caleb really going to tell her or is he going to chicken out and say something else?-------

And sorry for not updating lately I've been busy

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