confession chap-2

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Ahad's POV

The alarm clock was rude

so very

very rude.

  i turned it off and slept  after couple of minutes. It started ringing but still did not wake me up from my dreamless slumber and did the same again .

I woked up after the 5th alarm. It had always been my habbit of  waking up, half an hour after my alarms.

I was brought sharply into focus. After the initial anger passed, my frustrations at this inanimate clock who would never grant me the courtesy of an apology, I breathed long and slow. There was a reason I set the clock to this time...

this terrible rude and early time... something important... ufff OFFICE

I hastily came out of the comfort of duvet and went to the  bathroom to make ablution  and went to mosque.
I met dad and bro in the mosque . i greeted them and started offering my prayer.

While walking back home .The sun had not come from the hiding spot today but the weather was beautiful with chirping of bird meaning the morning had begun.

I reached home and went striaght to the kitchen ,where mom usual was in this hours . "Assalamuwalaikum mom"i said

Wallaikum sallam ,good morning ,did you sleep well"she said  while breaking an egg into a bowl.

"Alhamdulilah i did indeed."i said picking up the bowl and wisking the egg.

"Oh !no you dont have to do that my baby boy .maybe your wife needs your help so save your energy"
Mom put her lips in a tight line trying to control the laughter bubbling in her throat.

Typical mom! Always mariage uffffh

" Oh My beloved mom dont start this topic in morning please"i sighed irritatedly.

"Go and get ready ill prepare your breakfast" mom said and i left to get ready.

I got ready and went downstairs while carrying my files , laptop and my car key.

When i reached the dinning table my whole family was seated my mom ,dad,my 2 brothers and their wifes while their  kids are sleeping peacefully and queen of our house my sweet sis.

"Assalamualikum"i said and everyone replied in unison.

Everyone started eating and suddenly my dads phone started buzzing . He fished the mobile from the pocket and answered

Everyone instantly looked up and dad checked the ID , he looked at his  phone in disbelief as if he was longing to wait for this call. Dad immediately answered  his phone while looking at me with a mischevious smile.  My mind  was confused by his look, i know he is upto something which is good for him and not for me.

Oh !no he had the same mischeivious smile 6 years back when he spoked about my marrige.ya Allah please help me not again, i have big dream to achieve.

After he ended the call,he was so happy and he informed that he has an impotant meeting so he has to leave and which caused a confusion  for my two ahnan bro(first bro) asked"dad as i remember i dont think thier is any important work  we are left  to do."

"Ill dicuss about this meeting in the office" dad excused  and left us in  confused state .

Ahna's office

I reached my office and went through my work.i called uncle raza mir .

"Assalamualaikum uncle ,how r you"i said and he replied in a cheerful voice

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