waleema date chap-10

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Ahna's pov

My husband was driving the car . Damn how can a man be breath taking after working for so many hours.He was so handsome that my eyes compiling me to gaze it for my life long. He was a man of any girl's dreams. I couldnt help but blush.Im so tired but As i promised i have to complete my plan.


 I was so confussed what to gift for my husband. From morning i am thinking what to give. I got an idea.  Only amir and ali can help me.  I called amir and ali in conference call.
 Within three rings ali answered the phone .

"Assalamualikum princess" ali said
and amir answered the call" assalamualaikem princess"

"Walaikum salam my super boys.we are in confernce call." I said

"What so emergenancy ahna " ali asked

" you guys has to do me a help"

"Anything for ypu my queen" amir said

"And whats the help you need from us" ali asked

"I wanted to give a gift for ahad but im confused what to to give "

" ohh!! That so simple "ali said

"So what is it "

"Take him somewhere  he loves to spend " ali said

"Why dont you buys some antique stuffs because he love it" amir said

"Whoahh.. good ideas .  I dont have much to do shopping But what is the final idea which is going to work out? I asked them back . Im already in confuse and they are making me more confuse.

"why dont you take him to some place which he like and give some antique stuff" ali said

"Thank you guys for your help"

"No problem. It our  pleasure to do for you " both said in unsion and i rolled my eyes.

"Ahna i got some work i have to leave. Allah haffiz"amir said

"Allah haffiz" me and ali said in unison

"Ali can you find me a nice place"

"Ok ill find"

" i love you ali . Thank you so much but i need it done tonight ."

"Whatt.. princess  your too fast."ali said

"Shut up idiot" such a shamless fellow . They are always their to embrass me.

"Ill find some romantic  place to enjoy and send the pic in whatsapp"

"Oh please ali.  Ok ill call you back .Allah haffiz"

"Allah haffiz princess ." Ali

*******flash back ends********

"If you dont mind shall i drive"i asked

"Huh...... i know driving sunshine."he replied

"I didnt mean that i... just want to drive."

"So my wife know to drive?"

"Ofcourse i can. Is their any problem in that?"

"Just now i married and i dont wont to die so soon"

"Excuse me" i raised my eyebrows.

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