you are only my sunshine- chap7

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Never underestimate the power of Allah. He is dominant over all things. He can change everything within a blink of an eye. If things are going wrong constantly,it doent mean that he is not listening you but it means that he is testing you and making you more stronger.

Ahads POV

"Its time for you to meet your wife"mom said

I nodded my head and went with mom.

When I reached the stage,my eyes fell on aana her eyes was glued to the floor .

Am i halluncinating. I couldnt even believe my own eyes.My heart missed a beat and my face turned white. Is aana my unknown sunshine of my dream.

After few second she tilted her head.when our eyes met,i felt like everthing around me stopped.
I had a jittery feeling , my palms started to sweat and a flutter of electricity runs through my body. I was so happy that Allah will give you more than we expected .He knows what is best for you and when its best for you to have it .

She was checking me out . I raised my eye brows and she quickly looked away . I smiled at her response and i looked away but i can feel she is gazing me from her corner of her eyes.

Ahnas Pov

I was so nervous and my eyes was shivering . I was freaking out, I have never felt like this before. I have never seen him. I dont know anything about him except his name.He was looking so handsome that my eyes is refusing to move.i looked at him ,already his eye fixed on mine. I forget to blink. I was so lost in watching him.

He's got that looks of a hero. He is fair and few inches tall than amir. His hair natural brown colour ,i just want to feel the softness of his hair. He got a dark eyes that make me weak at the knees.

He raised his eye brow realisation hit me. I was shamlessly checking out him.Tilting my head, I look at him from the corner of my eye. i couldn't help but blush. His smile etched its way back into his face.

Third person POV

Ahna nervousness overhelming her. Her eyes was lowered . Every step ahad reach near her,her heart beat accelerated as if it would stop at any movement. Thinking about sitting next him made her heart flutter.
On the other hand ahad . He was lost in the beauty seated next to him. He had big smile plastered on his face.

"Mashallah you look beautiful sunshine"ahad whispered,when he sat next to her.she didnt look at him but whispered a thank.

"Huhhhhmm mr.ahad cant stay away from his wife"afzal cleared his throat which pulled both of them to this world. His friends started laughing.

"Ahad ,she is all your. I know she is beautiful and dont swallow her by looking"amir and his sarcasam(lol).

"Soon ,i will also get the turn bro on your marriage"ahad said

"Lets see"amir shrugged his shoulders.

"Im starving ,lets have dinner" aamira shouted and everyone left.

It was the time to leave.amir hugged ahad "She was the happiness of my home and will now light up your home. I am giving my world to you. Please make sure it remains beautiful. I am giving away my princess to you. Please make sure she stays as a queen. I know my princess is in the safe hand but if you hurt her,i will break each bone of yours which will hurt you life long."he said in serious yet in a teasing tone .

"Chill bro, i promise you i will never hurt her knowingly and i dont wont to die from your hands ."amir said immediately to avoid tension.

Amir hugged ahna tightly like a 5 years kid who cries for his mom . He was broken and he is unable to stay without ahna. Ahad witnessed emotion bubbling with his wife and his friend amir.

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