surprise or shock chap3

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"Indeed what is to come will be better for you than what has gone by"

"Any person who reminds you to fear Allah is a true believer."

May Allah bless us and protect us from the hell fire. Ameen.

Ahads office

I enter the office.Before entering my cabin my  assistant informed me ,my dad and brothers are  here to meet me.i said her to send them in.
My mind was built up with so many thoughts but i knew  they are upto something, taking a deep breathe assuring myself that everything will be alright.But only Allah knows how i am feeling now. I was sucessfull in calming myself for a while.

There was a knock in my door .
"come in"there came my dad and bro with a wide smile and i was happy when i saw  them smilling happily.

"So,what brought everyone to my office .who never ever visited my office after the opening ceremony of my company" i said sarcastically i stood up to get the file and they chuckled .

"your wedding bought us here"  hadi bro replied and winked at me. I was shocked and rooted to the place.I was lost in my thought and never realised that my troat became so dry. Wiping the sweat on my forehead i sat on chair and drank a glass of water to calm my self.

"I know you well ahad ,believe me she will be the best choice for you and her istihara also shows a positive sign"my dad said.
Now  i realised , the suprise behind my dad's mischevious smile. wait not a suprise but a great shock for the year. Ya Allah why only me.
Silence consumed and my dads voice pulled me out of thought

"we will meet her tomorrow and think avout it Allah haffiz".

They left from my office.
Im already stressed about the project which i should submit to 's' group of companies . whether they will  reject like last three years or at least this time will they accept.on the other hand my  rest of my life.

"Hey dude,how are you man "my best friends  afzal and asif said in unison.(note:they are business partner of sha group)

"Alhamdulilah,how is the work going on" i said

"Inshallah we can work tomorrow whole day and complete it, so we can submit on monday" afzal said Wow!best opportunities to drop the idea of visiting her.

"ok,this time we have to get this contract by hook or by crook"i said

"Inshallah ,we will because we have worked day and some sleepless  night for 5 years for this project and we were rejected 4 times. we know our weakness and what they expect from us .This time they will be impressed by our work" asif said while a huge smile touched my lips for his confident.

"ĺets go to mosque to prayer asr and continue our work" asif said .

Ahna POV

Im waiting for amir in resturant.Always late  huhhh!

"Assalamualikum princess.sorry for coming late"amir stood infront of me by holding his years.

"why did you call me?what so emergancy meeting me?come on faster,within one hour i have to be in hospital to do the operation?"

"Amir breath and you didnt give me chance to speak"isaid and  gave a glass of water.

He dranked it"so tell me"

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