frozen heart & a forgiving soul chap-14

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The twins angels are wrapped in kaffin. They looked like a summer strawberry and the glow filled in their face like a sunshine I never knew existed in the world. Everyone came to the funeral . Ahads and ahnas family was extremely saddned by the loss of their beloved. Everyone of them with puffed red eyes.

Ahad was totally broken and he felt guilt that he had failed in his most basic duty . He feel an overwhelming sense of failure for no longer being able to care for and protect his child, duties that he expected to fulfill for many years.Tears fall from his eyes as he look at his beloved son in kaffin. He never imagined to carry his child lifeless. His warm hand falling softly on his kids cold skin.They are cold. So cold. He places his hand over their chest that does not rise or fall, that contains no beating heart. His tears splash onto their dress and as he kisses their forehead they rain down onto their closed eyes. Though his heart breaks he knows they are safe with the almighty Allah and He keeps His eternal promise. No harm can come to them now. He doent know how to console his wife when she comes to consiousness.

When time came for burial. Ahad carried one child and amir carried the other. They were so tiny ,feels so light, looks so perfect and smells so divine. Ahad's Hearts that used to beat with love are still. Minds that felt so many emotions are blank. Onside his wife unconsious and the other side losing of his sons. They laid the child in the mosque and ahad leading the janaza salah.

After the salat. Ahad laid his beloved sons in the grave with a shivering hands.They lie like dolls over the grass.He loosened the ties and opened the kaffin . He kissed his sons for last time and whispered"I love you so much, my precious babies I can't wait to meet you someday! I am so sorry this happened!"

Then with heavy hearts he climbed out of the grave.we take our spades and begin to cover them in the black earth. Its started drizzling. Ahad felt like a pieces of glass that are wedged in between his soul and body. That's the pain. Words are not enough to describe the pain he goes through. It was more than crying, it was the kind of desolate sobbing that comes from a person drained of all hope. Ahad sank to his knees at the tiny grave, not caring for the damp mud that dirtied his dress. His tears mingled with the rain and his gasping wails echoed around the gravestones. The person at his side was amir, struggling to keep his tears silent, looking up to the watery skies and heaven beyond. Amir raised his hand for his almighty "ya Allah . Make us strong enough to go trough this difficult parts . Make this kids smells the beauty of jannah and drag thier parents to jannnah. Ameen.

Ahad had to believe his son is no more........

After the last ritual of his son ahad reached to hospital to meet his wife. Ahad was waiting impatiently. When times past ,each second was passing like a year. His strength was lying unconcious. He was just praying for his wife.ahad felt a hand on his shoulder and saw amir standing next to him. Amir hugged him and cried out his heart. As the parted ,they both turned to see voice of nurse.
Nurse came out of ICU .

Ahad ran toward her and asked"is everything fine"

" sir she got consious "nurse replied

"Can we see her"

"Yes sir "

Ahad entered the room and his fists closed so tight he can feel the sweat trapped inside them. His eyes fixed on the weak and pale face of his wife.
When she saw she tried to wake up. Ahad went close to her and laid her back.

" are my kids"she was breathing heavily.

He knew she would ask this question but still he was not ready to answer. After gather courage he finally said" they are in a better place."

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