As students were rushing to their seats as they saw Glynda in the hallway, as she was walking to her desk she saw (Y/n) with a piece of meat on his mouth.
Glynda: Mr.Warwick!
(Y/n) hummed as he turns to her.
Glynda: What is on your mouth?
(Y/n) removes his fangs on the meat.
(Y/n): My lunch.
Glynda: This is a classroom, not a cafeteria, now give me that meat!
(Y/n): Prof.Glynda... you already know what I am capable of, you probably don't want me to be Hungry.
(Y/n) smiled sadistically at Glynda by making her shock by the term 'hungry'.
Glynda: ... I-I g-guess I can make t-this a-an exception.
With that (Y/n) continues nibbling his meat happily while the other students were shocked at Glynda's stuttering.
Guy1: First Cardin now Prof.Goodwitch?
Guy2: Man, we really don't want to be on his bad side...
Prof. Glynda: Quiet! I will not hear this mockery, you all will be punished with more homework!
With that, they all groan as she begins her lesson.
Timeskip to the battle of (Y/n) and Team Crdl because the Author is super lazy adding the details RE: Still lazy!!
Prof. Glynda: Alright (Y/n) Warwick, You will face up against... Team Crdl.
Cardin: Ha, Too easy!
(Y/n): *Thinking* He is one hell of an idiot...
(Y/n) jumped down to the arena while Team Crdl just slowly went down, (Y/n) unbuttons his shirt once again making the girl squeal.
(Y/n): Jeez, have they not seen a man's body?
While Team Crdl were walking slowly, (Y/n) waited like this:
Finally when Team Crdl is at the stage, (Y/n) stood up and flexed his body.
(Y/n): Jeez, took you long enough!
(Y/n) proceeds to his battle stance as well as Team Crdl, Prof.Goodwitch signal them to engaged but (Y/n) just sat there like a dog.
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Russel and Dove charged at (Y/n) from the rear as he just uses their momentum to throw them out of the ring entirely, Sky was trying to do the guillotine at (Y/n) as his halberd collides on (Y/n)'s claws.