I was walking to Vale doing some sightseeing in the area, I bought a lot of food since the cafeteria is serving Veggies for a week.
(Y/n): This will keep me alive for a few days, now I'll have to-- huh?
I turned to see some people gathering at the square with robots standing by.
(Y/n): This is interesting...
I went in with the crowds as I hear someone insulting me which cause me to sigh in annoyance, I stood there for a few minutes bearing the insults almost provoking my Warwick instinct, a hologram of Ironwood showed up and talked about those terminators.
Ironwood: And they have done a fine job, would you agree? Wouldn't you agree?
The crowd applauded at the hologram but making me yawn to his stupid statement.
Ironwood: But, the kingdom of Atlas is a kingdom of innovation. And fine, well that's just not good enough, is it?
With that, the platform behind those scrap metals opened to reveal new ones kicking them down.
(Y/n): Bo~oring...
I turned around and was about to leave as two assholes pulled my tail which provoked my instinct, I grabbed them on the neck and threw them to the robots gaining the attention of the crowd.
(Y/n): What are you looking at?
I glared at them making them shudder and backed away from me.
(Y/n): That's what I though.
I scratched my nape and walk through an alleyway.
(Y/n): *Thinking* Discrimination, Disgrace, and oppression... what else do these humans have?
I heard some footsteps behind me trying to run away from something, I turned around to see Penny carrying Ruby.
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(Y/n): What. The. Fuck.
I followed both of them as I see Penny threw Ruby at a dumpster making me chuckle gaining Penny's attention.
Penny: (Y/n)!? You have to leave!
(Y/n): What is it? Are you in trouble!?
I looked behind to see some Atlas Grunts running towards us.
A.Grunt1: Why were you running? and what happen-- Who are you?
(Y/n): The person who doesn't like to see you take Penny away, now Fuck off.
A.Grunt2: What?
With that, I grab them both and threw them like a Javelin to the sky.
(Y/n): There, Problem averted. Now- ack!
I noticed metal parts on her hands were exposed.
(Y/n): What happened to you!? Are you okay? Did those people hurt you?