The White fang patrolling from the subway was running back to the main ruins as they were getting chased by Warwick. Two Grunts manage to get away from him as they are close to their main base.
W.Grunt1: I told ya' this was a Bad Idea, man!
W.Grunt2: Bah, Shut up and move!
The bulky Grunt pries the lock with his Gun opening it, they heard another howl coming from the roofs, they saw a few Grunts on top of the roofs unloading their guns at him but only getting killed in the process.
W.Grunt1: Which way!
W.Grunt2: ...Over here!
They ran to the opposite direction while their brothers holding him off, the bulky Grunt keeps firing at Warwick while cursing at him at the same time.
W.Grunt1: I see them! I see them! We're almost there, man! Let's go.
Warwick's howl was getting closer panicking the Grunt even more as they ran to the makeshift cable car.
W.Grunt2: Hold on!
He turn around to see his buddy running towards him while Warwick was also behind him.
W.Grunt1: I'm sorry... I'm sorry!
He slowly closed the door.
W.Grunt2: No wait! Don't!
The Grunt was pushed to the other side of the door closing it tightly while his buddy getting torn apart, Warwick's claw went through the metal door with the blood of his buddy, the Grunt pulled the lever ascending to the main ruins as he saw his buddy's face getting chewed apart. A turbulence went on shaking the cable car shifting the Grunt to the hole Warwick had made cutting himself in the process.
W.Grunt1: Oh no...
He turned around to see Warwick sniffing something then turns to him, he heard an unbearable, dreadful beat while the phials behind Warwick twists and mixed with chemicals turning it into red as also his arms, he slams a pipe creating a haze while he screams in pain.
W.Grunt1: C'mon, C'mon, C'mon!
The second he turn back at him, He was gone. He weakly smiled and laugh, he heard the dreadful beat yet again as he saw Warwick jumps in the air.
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W.Grunt: *Panting* N--NO!!
~ Meanwhile at the gang ~
Yang: Woah... This place is a mess...
The gang examined the bloodbath (Y/n) had made, at a pile of dead White fang members, one of the corpses were moved surprising the gang.