Chapter 21 Pt.1 : The nightmare

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- (Y/n)'s dream (Y/n)'s POV -

Man: Heh. Hehe... My beloved, sents her regards.

The man Plunged his knife in my chest leaving me dead on the streets.

(Y/n): What... did I-I do... to y-y-your...

I felt every vein in my body started to numb while I slowly lose my consciousness.

???: What do we have here...

A tall pale man with bandages covering his mouth approached me.

(Y/n): H-H-Help... me...

The man nods as he drags away from my bloodbath.

~ Few hours later ~

I woke up, tied from a chair with some tubes in my chest.

(Y/n): T-T-The fuck is this!

???: I see you're awake...

I turned beside me the man with bandages as a mask.

(Y/n): What are you doing to me!? Why does this thing in me!?

???: Relax. Just keeping you alive, now please calm down and stay still.

(Y/n): W-What...?

The man pulled out a syringe with green chemicals in it and plunged it on my arm making me scream in pain.

???: His genes are-- interesting...

My conscious turned hazy as my body got heavier, I felt my bones changing its shapes while my skin tearing off until my hand was amputated.

(Y/n):What Have YoU DOne!!

???: Hmm... Let's see here...

He pulled a lever beside him dropping down a drill in my stomach causing me to cough green liquid, the drill lift up to see my stomach unscathed.

???: Not a scratch...

The chains wrapped around my arms and legs hoist me up, the psychopath put something behind me while I feel it digging inside my spine.


???: It's... stable!? My work is fina--

One of my hands broke free and slashed him right through his face, he groans in pain as he went back to his desk.

One of my hands broke free and slashed him right through his face, he groans in pain as he went back to his desk

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???: The specimen is qui--

Soldier: Mr. Singed! The general is looking for you.

Singed: I see... very well then, I'll leave this to you then.

Soldier: B-B-But!

With that the man named Singed left me with his goon.

Soldier: *Sigh* What did I do to get into this mess...

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