Chapter 17: A big misunderstanding

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- Vale (Y/n)'s POV -

I was running throughout Vale with my Tux on hand as a drunk guy swinging his sword at me.

(Y/n): I wasn't the one who asked her! She did!

The drunkard didn't listen as he continues to chase me down. Now, if you were wondering how the fuck did I got into this mess, here's how it is.

~ 4 hours earlier ~

I was waiting for my brand new Tux right in front of the parlor.

(Y/n): C'mon! I haven't got all day!

An old man came out with my (f/c) Tux.

(Y/n): Well?

He held out his hand to me.

(Y/n): If you are going to give me the "Down low, too slow" thing? I'll tear your arm apart.

The old man groans and shook his head, he held out his hand again to signal me to pay up.

(Y/n): Oh~

I took out my wallet and gave him the Lien, he smiles in agreement and threw my Tux into the air as he took his Lien on my hand, I grab it before almost hitting a mud puddle.

(Y/n): Phew, that would've gotten worst...

Imagine if Ruby finds out that I've messed the Tux up for our school dance, that would've been the worst.

(Y/n): I still have a lot of free time... maybe I should go buy some drinks.

I went to a bar near at the pier, as I went inside People started staring at me with their menacing eyes trying to pierce my soul, I went further in as people still glaring at me.

(Y/n): Do you have some wine?

Bartender: Sorry kid, No minors allowed.

(Y/n): Let me make this clear to you.

I pierced my claws on the table gaining everyone's attention.

(Y/n): Do. You. Have. Some. Wine?

The bartender flinches as I slowly pulled my claws up.

(Y/n): On second thought, make it a double.

The bartender quickly nods and ran to the cellar.

???: You don't look too old kid...

I looked beside me to see a drunk guy drinking beside me.

(Y/n): Why do you care?

Drunkard: Kids like you shouldn't *Hic* be drinking.

(Y/n): For the last time, I ain't a kid.

Drunkard: Yeah, keep telling yourself that.

(Y/n): You reek of alcohol and Bad Luck.

Drunk: Hehe. Good answer, good answer.

(Y/n): *Mumbles* He also smells like Swain's bird, Beatrice.

Drunk: What...?

(Y/n): Nothing.

He reached out his hand.

Drunk: Name's Qrow. You?

(Y/n): (Y/n).

Qrow: Where ya' from?

(Y/n): Zaun.

Qrow: *Chuckles* Really fu*Hic*nny...

(Y/n): *Sigh* Why do I even bother...

Qrow: So...

He put his foot on the table.

Qrow: Nice Tux.

(Y/n): Thanks... I bought it for a special day.

Qrow: Is it the *hic* school dance?

(Y/n): !?

Qrow: Going with a cute girl?

I nod at him.

Qrow: Ah~ Young love... I guess... what is she like to you?

(Y/n): Hmm... Too young and annoying, She's probably at the age of 15.

Qrow: 15... What's wrong with that...?

~Meanwhile in the Author's house~

(Y/n): What brought YOU here?

Qrow: Just visiting.

(Y/n): Uh-huh...

Qrow: Wait... does she always wear red and always clingy to everyone?

(Y/n): Yeah, she does. How did you know about that?

Qrow pulls his sword slowly.

(Y/n): What are you doing?

Qrow: Taking care of something.

He swings his sword at me slicing the entire table and stool.

(Y/n): What was that for!?

Qrow: That Young, annoying kid is none other than my-

A truck past by and honk its horn loudly letting me hear only the sound of the truck's horn.

(Y/n): *Thinking* It's Ruby's Father!!

He swooped in again making me dodge again.

(Y/n): This is a big misunderstanding sir, she's really nice and pretty, Beautiful even!

He didn't listen to me as he pierced his sword into my foot.


[Earphones warning]

I flew out of the window and started running away with my Tux.

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