Chapter 6: A Monkey and a Weirdo

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- Vale (Y/n)'s POV -

I was walking to the town to see a bunch of festive stuff on lamps and buildings hanging.

(Y/n): Wow... they surely excited about the festival I've been hearing about, man I could go for a nice juicy steak...

While I was mumbling at myself about meat, my wolf ears perked up as I heard a yell from a distance.

???: Hey, stop that Faunus!

I turned around to see a guy with a yellow tail running away from a bunch of sailors.

Guy: Thanks for the ride guys! Hehe.

The guy jumps at the frame of the boat as he landed at the pier and continues to run away.

Sailor2: You no-good stow-away!

the idiot dangles his tail on a lamp while eating a banana.

Guy: Hey! A "no good" stow-away would have been caught. I'm a great stow-away.

(Y/n): Nothing but a Bildgerat.

Police1: Hey. Get down from there this instant.

'Monkey boy' threw his banana peel right in his face giving me a chuckle, Monkey boy stood at the lamp and gave them a mischievous laugh, he leaps behind them and ran at the stairs passing some familiar girls and right through me.

(Y/n): *sigh* No wonder humans don't accept those faucets.

I heard footsteps behind me as I turned around to see 'Rice' girl and her pals stumbling upon me, I open my eyes to see the white-haired girl on top of me.

(Y/n): Tables have turned, now were both lying down.

Weiss: Quiet you!

She stood up while stepping my chest and my tail.

(Y/n): *Thinking* this girl is really getting on my nerves!

Ruby: Oh, hey (y/n)!

(Y/n): *Sigh* Why are you guys running?

G.girl: We were chasing the monkey Faunus but ice queen here manages to get you.

Weiss: Enough chit-chat! Follow that monkey!

Weiss and the other two followed her as Ruby grabbed my hand.

Ruby: C'mon (Y/n)! We gotta catch up with them!

(Y/n): No.

Ruby: Don't be silly, c'mon!

She continues to drag me all the way until we saw Weiss again, lying on the ground with another victim beneath her.

(Y/n): Strike two Rice queen!

Weiss turned to the runaway ignoring me completely ignoring me.

Weiss: No! He got away!

(Y/n): Rice girl!

She turns to me as I pointed underneath her to see a girl smiling at her.

Weiss: Euh!

???: Salutations!

(Y/n): *Thinking* Oh no... not another one...

Ruby: Umm... hello.

G.girl: Are you... okay?

???: I'm wonderful. Thank you for asking.

We all looked at each other as the girl still lays there.

(Y/n): Do you... wanna get up?

???: Yes.

She did a flip as Ruby and the others steps back while I was about to walk away but instantly grabbed by Ruby.

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