Chapter 8: Invitation

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-Vale (Y/n)'s POV-

We have just arrived at the station to see Yang and Weiss outside.

Yang: Took you guys long enough.

(Y/n): Well. We were supposed to arrive here earlier if weren't for "Little red" here.

Ruby: hehe, sorry.

Weiss: Ugh...

I turned to her seeing her glancing at a window, this girl is seriously a pushover.

(Y/n): Anyways, let's go. We don't want to keep the 'Rice' Queen waiting.

Yang: 'Rice' Queen?

Ruby: It's a nickname that (Y/n) gave to her.

Yang: Pfft, Seriously?

She was about to burst in laughter as I was approached by some Cloaked Faunuses, He gave me a letter as he whispered in my ear.

Guy: Meet us at the docks at night. Were going to need help from our brothers.

He gives me a pat in the back and left me with a letter and a symbol of a Wolf.

(Y/n): Nice Logo but I prefer it Green instead of Red.

I sigh and tuckered it in my pocket while the girls kept chatting.

(Y/n): *sigh* Might as well give myself a head start.

I turned back and head at the exit leaving them without care.

~Few Hours later~

I kept searching from every nook n' cranny of all areas that is possible to fit a human body but hence; She is not dead... yet.

Police1: Hey you!

I turned around to see a Police running to me.

Police1: You're under arrest!

(Y/n): If you're going to say that clichè thing like "For stealing my heart" I will smack you.

Police3: Ah... a punk-ass huh?

He hit me with his Baton right to my head as his baton instantly got dented.

(Y/n): Is that all? If you're going to try something funny. Leave me out of it or your face will be the price.

I turned around to see the other guys already handcuffed me already.

Police2: Now, you are going away for a long time asshole.

I groan in annoyance as I effortlessly break the chains.

(Y/n): Can I go now...

Police1: What the fuc-

I instantly shut his mouth with a Bar of Soap that I... recently just Bought for... several meanings.

(Y/n): You guys are just pitiful, can't you see there are young ones here?

They looked around to see some couples with their children

Police3: So what?

(Y/n): What kind of law enforcer are you if you can't even show some decency.

Police2: Why do you care? You're a Faunus: A thief, murderer, and a degenerate!

I turned to the couples with their children.

(Y/n): You might wanna close their ears and eyes for this.

They nod and quickly closed their children's ears and eyes, I instantly Grabbed one of the police's Neck.

The Uncaged Wrath of Remnant (League Of Legends x Rwby Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now