Chapter 2: Prowler

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- Forever Falls 3rd person POV -

Gunfire, people running and a Wolf jumping from tree to tree were seen from the area as Team Cfvy kept running from (Y/n) as Coco kept firing at him.

Coco: Damn he's fast, I can't get a clear shot!

Coco turned to see Velvet on Yatsuhashi's back heavily injured.

Coco: You guys go on ahead and take care of Velvet, I'll deal with him...

Fox: No way, I'm staying with you!

Coco: No! have you seen what he did to Velvet!?


(Y/n) leaps to Velvet ripping most of her suit and also disabling her aura, Fox and Yatsuhashi tried to knock away (Y/n) from behind. (Y/n) grabbed both of their weapons and knock them back, Coco Unloaded a barrage of led but stopped seeing him using Velvet as a Meat shield, (Y/n) Sniffed Velvet's blood and threw her to Coco, she saw (Y/n)'s Chemicals that strapped behind him and his arms begin to pump until it turned red.

(Y/n): Run... FASTER!!

(Y/n) leaps trough the trees giving them a head start, Coco Noticed him laughing insanely as Velvet's bunny ears twitching in dread.

Coco: Velvet are you alright?!

Velvet didn't answer as she just shudders consistently out of dread.

(Note: This is blood hunt for those who guys don't know)

~Flashback end~

Coco: I can't let that happen to any of you guys like he did to Velvet, Now go! Call Prof.Ozpin or anyone while I give you guys some time!

With that Fox and Yatsuhashi Ran the opposite direction.

Coco: Come out mutt and show yourself--

Before she could finish (Y/n) pounce on her, before he could've decapitated Coco's head she smacked the barrel on his neck then fired half of her clip.

Coco: Come out coward!

(Y/n): You talk a lot!

(Y/n) tried to pounce at her as she quickly dodges then continues to fire all her clips.

Coco: You're making me a little ticked off...

(Y/n): As do I, human.

(Y/n) growls then leap away from her vision, hearing him sprint in all four from bushes and branches.

(Y/n): Give in... the beast...

(Y/n) then finally caught her from above, gave her a baleful look as his eyes reflect death shade red. He grinned at her and nailed her with one of his disposable claws on the ground to immobilize her.

(Y/n): Should've gone back home when you have the chance.

(Y/n)'s back pumped drastically as he turned to where Yatsuhashi, Fox, and Velvet ran.

(Y/n): Blood.

Without a care, he left her nailed on the ground while there was still a pack of Grimm nearby.

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