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I couldn't stand, everything was all broken and torn, the only thing I can hear is growls of the demon, that's ready to pounce on me again, probably going for the final blow, which it did, it's powerful jaws snapped on my neck, and all I can do is scream in pain, as things start to fade, but before I go out, there was that one voice, 'your one of us now'.



I was siting down, watching the news with my dad, seeing as I have nothing else to do, but I didn't pay any attention to it, only lost in my thoughts, "hey honey come here, look at this!" my father yelled, snapping me out, he raised the volume as a man starts talking, "today we found a young girl completely in shreds, but surprisley still alive in the woods, the cops are now trying to see what kind of animal that caused this, if you have any information about this girl, please contact the police." he finished, showing the picture of the victim, "holy shit!" I said, getting up from the couch, "you know that girl darling?" my father asked, now looking at me, "yea, we go to school together, she's also in the student council." I explained, feeling my chest constrict, as I continued to stare at TV.


"what's her name dear, and don't worry, your not a suspect, we already know it's some kind of wild animal." the decetive resurred me, as I looked down at my hands, "um her name is Alex Ki, but we aren't close, but Jade Nicole knows a lot about her." I said, not looking up, "she goes to your school as well?" he asked, "y-yes, she's part of the baseball team." I said, but all I can think about was her, 'what happened, what kind of animal would do that' I thought, tighting my grip on my jacket sleeve, "ok then, you can go now, thanks for the info." he said, getting up.

Once I was out of the door, my mom ran up to me, "are you ok baby, did they force you to anything?" she asked, but I shook my head, "c-can you take me to the hospital?" I asked hopefully, but I got a no, 'I just can't help worry, I mean I'm suppose to hate her, but really I don't, she's a bit cold, but that doesn't mean she deserves to be hurt' I thought, getting into my parents car; I layed down in bed, looking at my ceiling fan going around, still feeling dejected, 'why am I feeling this, I don't even like...but why' I questioned myself, 'I have no reason to hate her, I barley even know her' I thought, now feeling guilty from all the times I insulted her, 'hopefully things will change when she gets better' I pondered, closing my eyes, feeling very tired then I thought I was.



Beep...Beep, 'what the hell, what that's annoying sound' beep...beep, 'Kelic...hey Kelic are you ok' beep...beep 'are we dead' beep...beep , 'I don't really know' beep...beep, 'what's that annoying sound, and you try opening your eyes and check' 'fine'.

Light blinded my vision, making me groan in protest, "shit! She's waking up! I'll go get the doctor." a familiar voice echoed, as everything starts being clear, now realizing I'm in a hospital, 'oh goodie, we're alive' Kelic groaned, as I tried to sit up, but fell back down at the sudden pain, "hello Alex, I'm doctor Potter, how are you feeling?" doctor Potter asked, " I feel like I can eat the whole damn elephant species." I croaked out, my throat dry like the desert, "haha, sadly you'll have to be fed tubes." he said looking at his charts, for your throat was badly damaged, your lucky you can still talk." he said, in all seriousness, 'damn that bad' 'it appears so' Kelic replied, "do you know what attacked you?" he asked, taking a seat, "no, I can't remember, its...all blank, like I missed a portion of my life." I lied, I mean who would believe that a demon did this, they'll think I'm crazy, "hmmm, not surprised, you did take a lot of damage, well I will let you rest, and don't worry, a nurse will come sedate your hunger and thirst." he said, before walking out.

Once he was gone, I took the time to look around the plain, 'wow, there's like nothing to do' Kelic complained, but before I could answer, my door opened, "finally your awake!" Jade exclaimed, walking right in, "what happened? And I know it's no ordinary animal Alex, so cut the bullshit." Jade said sternly, taking a seat, not bothering to close the door, "um...well...ehhh." I let out, not knowing what to say at all, "it's...a demon." "a what! You got attacked by a demon-" "um hello..." me and Jade froze at the voice, both turning to see who it is, "a demon..." Luna said, completely confused, a bag in hand, [oh shit].

Behind Cold Blue Eyes Bk.1 [redo/lesbian] ✔Where stories live. Discover now