Chapter 24 serpent bound

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I woke up the next day .
I got dressed and I go to the living room and I see reggie .

"Reggie what are you doing here " I said .i as I grabbed a waffle from the dining room table .

"Hunter .veronica told we what your planing on doing today " he said while grabbing a hold of my shoulder .

"I ..I have to do this ok just trust me on this " I said while giving him a hug .he then pulled me in for a tigh hug .

Someone cleared their throat.
I turn around and I see sweet pea and jughead .

I let go of reggie .
"It starts at 7 we just want to make sure you won't be late " sweet pea said .

I nodded my head ."don't worry I will be early "I said .i went back to my room and I grabbed a sweater that jughead let me is a while back and I put it on .

"Well we will see you tonight then " jughead said .after that they both left .

I walked with reggie around town .i look at him .

It was now 5pm.
"Reggie will you look at me the same .i mean after I become a serpent " I said .he stopped and looked at me .

"No I will not .i mean I may be an ass but your my best friend in a way "he said .

I laughed ."dont be all sappy with me " I said pushing him .

"I am not " reggie said .
We walked to my dad trailer .

I then get a text from sweet pea.

From :sweet pea
I am sorry for not telling you the truth .hope you can forgive me because I love you and I don't want to hurt you anymore .


Below how was It .

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