Chapter 27 demons

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I ,I know where to lay I know what to say it is all the same I know how to play.
i know this game .it's all the same .
Now if I keep my eyes closed he looks just like you but he'll never stay they never do .

The song was turned off .i look at my serpent friends and my brother.
"What the hell I was listening to that " I said getting up off of the floor .

"You need to get your ass up " Toni said .

I went to the bathroom and got ready .

Jughead handed me some papers when I came out of the bathroom .

I sat on the couch and I looked at he papers .

"What the hell is this " I said .

"These papers are from the lodge family but first before you hear the bad news I got good news " jughead said .

He stood in front of me .
"Dad is getting out of jail in two days "he said .

I jumped up and gave him a hug "omg I can't wait This is good news " I said .

"Now the bad news " jughead said .

I sat back down .
"Ok tell me " I said sweet pea sat down holding my hand .

"The lodge family said that if you don't go back home that they will make sure that their is no communication between your biological family " jughead said.

"What the hell " I said .
I got up from the couch .
I grabbed my bag and I started to pack my stuff .

"I have to go back I can't let that happen " I said .

I headed to sweet pea bike .
"Babe you I don't want you to leave .we can figure something else " he said pulling me to him .

"I have to go if not they can get a court order for my brother and dad to stay way from me and that means you to " I said .

"Ok babe but call me everyday and I will pick you up on the weekends " he said .he drove me back to the apartment .we enter the apartment in the living room I see the lodge family talking .

"Mija you finally came to your senses and decided to come back home " Hiram said .he had his arms open for me to give him a hug .i gave him a hug back .

Comment and yell me how it was.

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