..•°°Chapter 3: Surprise, Surprise..•°°

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A/N: Sorry that we didn't mention this earlier but all images except characters are actually pictures capture in St. Vincent and the Grenadines.[Not by us though.. So shout out to those who had taken these pictures.] As we said we're using our culture. Hope I don't confuse you guys.

Story Starts:

“I always think about Life, whenever I thought everything was under control, something happened, which reminded me that the ultimate control is in his hands.”

Beep! Beep! Beep!

I slam my hand against the alarm clock that was ringing down my ear stopping it. Hosting my body up, I felt a pain in my shoulder that shows me that yesterday wasn't a dream. I got off the bed and walked over to the human size mirror to take one last look. The area were the whip had hit was bruised badly, and red it was slightly swollen, but the bleeding had stop. I took off the rest of my clothing and went to shower and came out 20 minutes later and put on my clothes to go out. Seeing that I was going out I put on a long washed out pencil footed jeans, a dark purple Polo shirt and a black and white puma shoes. I was lazy to fixed my hair so I let it down and picked up a bag then walked out my room. To my surprise everyone had already left the house so breakfast wasn't on my mind, I look on the table to see they had left a spare house key and some money for transportation picking it up I walked out the house locking the door behind me.

Picking up my bike that my biological father had gotten me for my fifteenth birthday I pushed it out of the yard and hoped on paddling my way to Sion Hill to get a ride to Glen. Getting a Transportation to go Glen was difficult where I lived. I wouldn't mind riding my bike to Josh place but because St. Vincent is mountainous my legs would give out before I reach. When I finally reached Sion Hill, I stopped by J&J supermarket. I pushed my bike inside and lead it besides the cashier. I looked to see it was Alex behind the counter. Alex and I attended the same school, but he's in a higher form than me.

“Morning Ria..Going out?” He asked smiling at me as he cash one of his customer.

I guess his father was out. Alex had told me he take care if the supermarket when his father is running late or overslept during the holidays. I guess today is one of those days.

“Hi Alex.. Yeah I am. Do you mind watching my bike?” I asked.

“Sure thing... You help me out before.” He said smiling at me.

“Thanks Alex.” I said running out.

“Your welcome.. Next time ask for me to be your boyfriend.” he shouted.

I laugh.

“Does that mean a yes!” he shouted again.

I wave my hand at him as I heard him laugh and probably returning to do his job.

Crossing the street to the other side of the bus stop I waited patiently under a wall structure; that protected me from the blazing sun, for a van to pass that was going Glen.

A few minutes later I then heard a honking which cause me to look to my right. I saw a blue, white and black high top van that I knew so well with the graphics, ‘Tweetz’  printed on the front. [Image below⬇]

 [Image below⬇]

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