..•°°•..Chapter 7: Gifts..•°°•..

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'Some gifts are big.
Other are small.
But the ones that come from the heart are the best gifts of all.'


"Hey Ria.. If I go would you remember me?" Josh asked.

"What are you talking about. You're not going anywhere." I said laughing, "Now stop joking and pass me the wrench." I was in the back of my yard with Josh, helping me fix my bike.

"Andria. Please answer me." Josh said. I look at him to see he wore a seriously expression.

I smile, "Don't worry no matter how far you go. I won't never forget you."

His face brightened a bit and a tear escape his eye as he stood.

"Am sorry Ria. I have to go." He suddenly said walking away from me.

"Wait Josh!" I stood was about to run after him when I felt a tug in my hair.

I turn to face my mother as I cried out.

"Wake up!"

I look away from her to see Josh was already out of sight.

I felt the tug getting harder causing me to cry out as my mother said the words wake up.......

I instantly snapped my eyes open couldn't bear the pain anymore hoping that that pain was apart of my dream but sadly not. Instead it got more painful.

With my eyes full of tears I was dragged off the bed. I look up to face my mother.

"Why are you doing this? I asked.

"instead of getting up to do you're chores. You're here sleeping."

"But I was really tried from yesterday." I said.

She let go of my hair causing my head to hit the floor.


"Don't make me come back and don't see this house cleaned, or you'll get hell to pay. And don't forget what today is." With this she left me on the floor crying.

A few moments later I heard snickers outside. I stood up wiping my tears and walked out my room to see Katherina and Christine laughing. Not paying attention to them I pass them to head to the bathroom.

As I pass Christine bumped into me causing me to stubble a bit.

I glance at her as she spoke, "Not only you're being lazy you're also worthless." Katherine laugh.

"You guys are ones to talk." I said walking away to feel another yank in the hair. Letting it go I spin around ready to attack. When she spoke,

"If I were you I'll be smart about my next move." she turn away from me flipping her hair in my face. I stood with my clench fist as I watch their backs getting further away from me.

I sigh.

These girls were testing my fate and I almost give into it. I close my eyes taking a deep breath.

'Please God give me the strength not to give into temptation.' I opened them then walked away towards the bathroom to take a cold shower.


Today was Saturday and Saturday's laundry day, Actually it was the last laundry day for me seeing that nine morning is just tomorrow. The guys would put there dirty clothings outside there room in a basket and I'll pick them up get them washed and fold them then place them back in fount of there doors.

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