..•°°•..Chapter 8: First Morning Of Nine Mornings..•°°•..

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"Isn't it weird that she hasn't woked up yet. I mean it's the official launch of nine mornings. She don't miss the first day."

I heard whisper outside my door as I felt something by my neck I sat up and look to see snowy sleeping on my bed, "I guess someone found my bed more comfortable." I smiled then stroke the furry animal.

I then turn and look at the time, '2:11 am.'

"Anyway let's go." I heard Catherine said. I heard footsteps receding from my door.

I sigh, 'Why do they even care if I go or not. It's not their business anyway.'

Today was the 16th of December, 2018. The first morning of nine mornings or the launch of nine mornings which is held in Kingstown it usually starts at 3:00 a.m and ends at 7 in the morning. The other days are held various parts of the island but starts at 4:00 a.m. On the last day of nine morning it is held at Kingstown where they have street jump up and other mini games. [Others will be have their own show but the main one will be in Kingstown]. I went to my computer to see I had some unread messages on Facebook.

Mostly some of them are friends asking if am coming today. Replying no to them, I closed my computer and went back to sleep.

"Soon the place is going to be noisy, from the crowd and I wanted sleep." I closed my eyes [Because I live in cane garden, right above Kingstown any function or party they have am able to hear it.] with this on my mind, I fall back into a deep slumber.


"GOOD MORNING IT'S NINE MORNING!" My eyes fluttered open as I groaned.

"No, no, no its seems we didn't wake up the whole of Kingstown as yet so we need to be louder okay... 3...2.." I heard the MC counting down.

"GOOD MORNING IT'S NINE MORRRRNING!" I heard the corwd of people saying again but louder than before.

Yawning, I stretched, "Well they certainly got me up."

What I just heard was the every year theme for nine morning, each time it's held we shout out that theme to tell everyone that nine morning had started or ended.

I looked at the time, '7:15 a.m' I guess it just ended. I can't believe I slept though all that noise.

I got up sleepishly and picked up my jacket that I always have on the end of my bed. Putting it on along with my slippers I walked over to the sliding door and slide across unto the balcony.

As I walked out in the opening the cold breeze hit my face as I shivered a bit. We don't even have snow but the mornings on a December is always cold. Maybe it's because wind travels from the northern hemisphere to us. Or so I've been told during geography class

Music can still be heard, as I look up at the blue sky. The sun haven't risen properly as yet so it give the place a himid view.

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