..•°°•Chapter 5: Unexpected..•°°•..

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"When things are going good, they're going great.
Never underestimate the cold hand of fate.
At an instance a situation can flip,
For each and everything we do is a lucky dip."

'Okay clam down Andria, it's a big beach. Their's no way she can get far right?' I look around the beach to see not much people was on it but no signs of Lily. I felt my hopes going down, Who am i kidding, looking for Lily is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Okay that was a bit over exaggerating but you know what I mean.

"ANDRIA!" I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"What is it?" I turn to Josh who was looking at me worriedly he then spoke,

"I was saying that I'll look this side...." Josh said pointing at his left where mostly all the bars where located.

"....Okay, I'll look the other side." I hurriedly continued his sentence. We then run in opposite direction.

"Lily!" I call her name as I continued to search for her. Two minutes have pass and I haven't found her.

I look behind me in the opposite direction to see no signs of Josh. I guess he haven't found her either.

"Uh?" I felt something soft under my feet. I lift it up to see something blue in the sand. I bend down and pull it out the sand to see it was a slipper. Lily's slippers, A spark of hope return to me as I look ahead. I could of run back to Josh but I couldn't waist any more time. Only god knows what's wrong with Lily. I shake all negative thoughts out my head and started running. After 30 seconds I stop running and look at the large tree the branches hanging over almost touching the water. This part is where the water reach the shore and instead of sand theirs rocks.

"Theirs nothing there other than rocks and water. There's no way Lily will be their." I said to myself then turn away to look for Josh.

A sudden scream made me stop in my tracks and turn around running though the branches, "Lily!" I scream her name.

On a large rock few feet from me was Lily squealing as she chase a small crab. Small waves crashes below.

"Lily!" I shouted once more. She stop running as the crab jumped off the rock, finally begin freed from the wild child.

"Ria!" she started running towards me.

"Wait! Stop runni-" before I can finish my sentence Lily's feet slip under the mossy part of the  rock making her fall on her bum. She look at me tears welled up in her eyes as she push herself up to stand.

"Lily don't move. I'll come for you." I said. Looking at the rocks in the water that was covered in moss. I look back at Lily who was wiping her eyes, 'How the hell did she made it over there?'

I hop from rock to rock carefully not to step on any moss. I look at the jump from the rock I was on. It wasn't long but it was high considering my height. [4" 7] If it was Josh it would of been easy for him.

"Ria," I turn my attention to Lily as she continued, "Am cold." Because of the waves hitting the rock, water was splashing on Lily.

"Don't worry! We'll be back with josh before you even know it." I said.

'Okay just go for it!' I said leaning back then jump.

'Woah,' I held my balance at the edge of the rock. When I got it I walk over to Lily pulling her into a hug.

"You got me worried sick about you."

"Am sorry but I was trying to catch the stupid crab." Lily said. I pull her away from me and turn my back to her stooping down.

"Hop on, let's go." gesturing for her to get on.

She hop on my back and I slightly wince in pain remembering the bruises on my back.

"Are you okay?" Lily asked worriedly. I slightly turn my head and give her a small reassuring smile then stood up looking for a next way to get off the rock. Going the way I came would be difficult.

"Okay." murmured then started walking towards the edge. Luckily this wasn't a smooth rock. I climb down the edge that was closest to the shallow water.

"Andria!" I look ahead of me to see Josh hopping towards us.

"Josh!" I heard Lily shouting. I can feel she was waving her hand.

"Found her." I laughing, "Guess what she was doing?"

I was now close to Josh handing Lily to him cause she was getting heavy.

"Let me guess, she was chasing a crab." he said. Lily giggled.

"How did you know?" I asked jumping to the rock that josh was on before.

"You might not remember but this wasn't the first time we lost Lily like this." Josh said.

"Really?" I asked. We were now on the sand walking back, Josh spoke,

"Yep at Friendship bay beach." Josh smile as he reminisce, "Luckily their was a guard close by."

I laugh now remembering the time we went Myreau with Mrs. Evan. Lily got lost chasing a crab. For a 1 year old she had a lot of energy.

I started giggling.

I then look up at the sky which started to get the orange glow which tells me that the Sun's going to set soon and I haven't even got in the water. Well it's not like I wanted to go in anyway.

I turn to Josh, "Josh it's getting late." I said. I didn't mind staying out but My parents wouldn't tolerate that.

"Yeah we need to start packing." He place down Lily, "Lily go deflate you're tire, and don't go running off again. "

She nodded and run towards her tire doing what she was told.

While she was doing this Josh and I packed up the other stuff.

"Thanks for today, Although I didn't get it the water I had fun. " I said laughing as I folded the blanket.

"No problem. We all needed this." He said turning away from me. Following his eyes I saw Lily smiling with a bag picking up shells.

"Yeah.. Guess we do."

Written by: Elisha
(Not edited)
Word count: 1056

Hope you enjoy😺
Comment any mistakes

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