..•°°•..Chapter 10: Third Morning Of Nine Mornings..•°°•..

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I laid on my bed as I think about what happened between Josh and I. It was mid-day, the 18th of December, the same day that Josh suppose to go to Canada.

He had tried texting me through Facebook and Skype but my emotions got the best of me and I didn't reply. Because I had walked out on him when he carried home, I forgot to walked with the phone we had won. I sigh. I had been thinking about it over and over.

"I was afaird that I won't see you again to see you smile again... " his words repeated over in my mind.

'Idiot.' I thought, 'Its not like you're seeing me smile now.'


I looked at my room door that was suddenly knocked upon. I wondered who it was as I got up and opened the door.

"Latisha. What are you doing here?" I asked surprised as I looked at my college friend. She smiled as she turn away and opened her bag taking out the box.

"Merry Christmas."

Handing the box to me she walked in my room and sat on the bed. Still standing I opening the box and took out phone that Josh and I won. I turn to Latisha who now had a serious look on her face.

"Ria we need to talk." she said sternly.

I look at Latisha, knowing what she's talking about, I spoke, "We don't have anything to talk about."

Snowy barked as she ran up to Latisha who pick her up, "Are you still angry at him?" She asked.

I look away from her not saying a word.

"Come on Ria. You didn't let him explain."

"I did... Half way through." I mummured the last sentence.

"And?" Latisha questioned.

"And I find his reason unreasonable." I said folding my arms.

"Are you sure?" She asked then cooed snowy, "Maybe you should trust in him more, and tell him the truth about your feelings."

"What truth?" I asked.

"You'll soon find out. Am not going to ruin it for you." she said resting down snowy on the floor and standing up. She picked up her bag, "I can't stay long, so am talking my leave now."

I remain quite as she walked pass me

"Be open about your feelings, that's all am asking." with these words she left closing the door behind of her.

I looked at the floor, as her last words echoed in my mind the phone rang the same time causing me to jump and looked at the callers ID then answered it.

"Thank goodness... I've been trying to get on to you, I know you're still angry cause it was sudden but there wasn't anything I could of done. Am sorry. I shouldn't of force you to listen to me. That was wrong of me. If you don't want to talk now I'll wait until you're ready." Josh said.

Before I knew it tears started falling from my eyes as Josh spoke worriedly," Ria are you okay?"

I nodded but realized that he wasn't here with me I spoke," Yes am okay. Am just happy to hear your voice again." I continued," I miss you Josh, I miss both you and Lily."

"Lily misses you also. She cried the whole trip here. Expect when she fell asleep." He laugh.

I realized that I've been acting spoil and selfish, "Am sorry Josh."

"It's okay." Josh said cooing me.

I continued, "It's just it was all sudden and I didn't even get to give you a goodbye gift."

I heard Josh chuckled as he spoke, " Come on Ria am not gone forever you know. Besides you already given me something."

I remain quiet as he continued, "Memories, each time I went out with you I treasured every moment of it, both good and bad."

I felt my heart beating faster as he said those words. For some reason I felt happy..... but why?

"Ria, I-"

I waited for him to continue but it never came as the line went quiet.

"Josh?" I asked confused, wanting to know what he was going to say.

I heard him laugh, "It's nothing important."

"Come on Josh no more secrets." I said not wanting to repeat the same mistake again.

Josh chuckled, "Alright, Ria..."

My heart started racing again waiting anxiously for the next sentence.

"I miss you."

My face was probably redder than a tomato as I was lost of words.

"Hello, Ria are you their?" He asked concern.

"I gotta go." I quickly said not waiting for a reply from him I hang up.

I threw myself face first on my bed, 'Why am I behaving like this?' I thought. 'I told him the same thing earlier didn't I?'

I felt my face getting hot again, 'Why did I tell him that?'

Maybe he didn't take it seriously, i mean I didn't hear much reaction when I told him.

I hugged my pillow, 'But... why do I feel uneasy when I think about him not taking my words seriously?'

"I miss you." His words reminisce in my mind. Feeling a bit flustered I sigh, 'What's wrong with me?'

Written by: Elisha
(Not edited)
Word count: 817

Hope you enjoy😺
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