..•°°•..Chapter 14: Seventh Morning Of Nine Mornings..•°°•..

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..•°°•..Second Date..•°°•..

3;30 a.m.
Sunday morning

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So are you coming?"

Yeah am about to leave.

Alright see you there Ria.

I pushed my phone in my pocket. Snowy looked at me as i spoke, "Am sorry snowy you're staying home today."

I picked up some of her favorite toys then went into the kitchen for some dog food and water and carried them outside with snowy following behind. Closing the door behind me I walked towards the dog house.

"Stay out of trouble and keep inside." I said to the dog.  I didn't want snowy to be around Katherina and Catherine especially when I wasn't there."

Snowy let out as small yap making me not want to leave her outside. But it was for her safety so I was willing to do it.

I put her toys inside the ring and pour the dog food the the bowl and water in the next.

Snowy went inside her house and made herself comfortable. I nodded at her obedience as I closed the gate of the cage then went out.

I looked at the time.. 3:55p.m... Yeah,  I know it's late compare to the other times I went nine mornings but it was Xavier idea to come in town this late. I don't know why he said to come this late but I decided to do what was told and see what's going on. Riding my bike I stop at Miss. Pearson house. Where I asked her to hold my bike which she did.

Walking the rest I met Xavier the same place we met before then we walked to heritage Square where we saw some kids playing road tennis, cricket and other games.

The road tennis was the one that caught my attention as I walked towards the kids playing. Xavier followed behind.

"Hey do you think we can get a go after?" I asked

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"Hey do you think we can get a go after?" I asked.

The guys looked at me lost of words before one spoke, "Sure, but wait eh.. Cause we playin first." (Sure but you have to wait because we're still playing.)

As we wait we cheered the guys on, it was an intensive match but it soon came to an end.

Giving us the handmade wooden rackets we then stood opposite each other behind the painted lines.

"Ahyo play tennis before?" (You guys ever played tennis before?) One of the guy asked.

We both nodded then looked at each other surprised probably because we didn't know we play tennis.

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