..•°°•..Chapter 11: Fourth Morning Of Nine Mornings..•°°•..

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..•°°•..Brighten Up..•°°•..


"Am glad that you and Josh made up." Latisha said.

I smile, "Me too."

"So have you put a thought in it?" She asked.

Knowing what she's talking about I spoke, "Yep and am not going."

"What! Come on, Ria. Is it because Josh isn't here?" Latisha teased over the phone.

"No it's not, am not feeling the Vybz anymore." I said.

"Ever since Josh went away huh?" I can hear her smiling over the phone.

I was on the phone talking to Latisha who was trying to convince me to come with her to botanical gardens. I wasn't sure what they were having but the way she talked about it, it sounded kind of interesting. But my mood was just killing it for me. I wanted to relax on the fourth day but Latisha had other ideas.

I blushed, "No it's not." I rebutted then sigh in defeat knowing she'll continued teasing me, "Fine I'll go."

"Yeah I'll pick you up at 5p.m." She said. I can tell she was smiling over the phone.

Flashback Ends.

And that's how I ended up here. It was the 19th of December,  6:25 p.m and we we're outside of the garden ready to enter.

The St Vincent and the Grenadines Botanic Gardens is located in New Montrose. It is one of the oldest in the Western Hemisphere and perhaps the oldest in the tropical world. Conservation of rare species of plants has been practiced here since 1765.

I fixed my glasses as I looked at the lights that was around the entrance, "Wow they really went overboard." I murmured as I looked at the decorations. The place was fairly crowed.

"You haven't seen anything yet, come on let go." She said walking ahead of me.

"Hey slow down." I said running behind of her. Is she that excited to be here?

"Latisha!" I called her name but because of the loud chattering i guess she couldn't hear me.

I let out a inward groaned but it was cut off half way when I bumped into someone.

"Ahh..." I made contact with the hard concreted ground because of the impact my glasses came off.

"Hey are you okay?" The person asked. I looked up to face a set of hazelnut eyes as he stretch his had out to me.

"Uh..Yeah." I said as he helped me up I continued, "Sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going." He picked up my glasses and handed them to me.

Putting them on and looked around to see no signs of Latisha. I tsk as I walked off still looking around.

"So who you looking for?"

I stop walking and turned around to see the person following me.

"My friend." I said.

"Is this a boyfriend or a girlfriend?" He asked smirking.

"She's my friend." I said putting emphasis on the 'she' then walked away.

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