How is she?

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Carlisle P

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Carlisle P.O.V

~ Three Months Later~

I looked up from my paperwork to see Esme walk in with another vase of flowers. The smile still has not returned to her face. Neither did it come to any of us. I know I missed the two daughters I was forced to leave. Bella and Angel. How my mind wondered to them all the time. I wanted so bad to just smack Edward in the head an take the whole family back to Forks.

Getting up I walked to the window and looked out into the wood behind the home we were currently staying in. I could see Drew holding Rosalie who seems to be almost dry sobbing. Though she was always a little stand offish to Bella she missed both Bella and Angel.

Edward was who knows where he kept blocking Alice's vision and Emmett. Oh my son Emmett he hardly come out of his room to hunt. We have to drag him away to hunt. He usually just sat in the corner of his room looking at nothing his mind gone.

 He usually just sat in the corner of his room looking at nothing his mind gone

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I moved down the hall opening his door looking in to see he wasn't there. Could he be better? Could he be out hunting. I heard the water in the bathroom and moved to see he was sitting on the floor of his shower fully dressed wet. I worried about his health. His manner was similar to someone being depressed. My main worry is that this could lead to something much worse. There are some humans in this state of depression would take their own lives. Now one of our kind can't do that but that wouldn't stop them from going to the Volturi an get themselves removed from exsistance.

Moving forward I touched Emmett's shoulder. "Emmett come on son you must get out of this house."

He tightened his fists. "'I miss her Carlisle. Why did I let Edward convince me that leaving was a good idea.... I miss her every moment. My chest hurts just thinking about her. If it were still beating I am sure it would be dead once again. Carlisle what can I do?"

"I don't know son. But first you must get changed into clean clothes and go hunt. Take Drew with you go feed an get some of your strength back we will figure something out."

As he left I moved down to the livingroom where the rest of my family were Alice was frowning. "At this rate Carlisle I don't see him changing back at anytime. Until she comes back into his life he will forever be this shell of himself."

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