Second Chance

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Angel P

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Angel P.O.V

It had been two weeks since I had been back from Ireland. Bella would hang out with me a little but she seemed to spend most of her time with Jacob. I think he helped her somehow. As for me and Rider we spent more time with the others of the pack. An over these two weeks things between me and Paul were going wonderful. He was always there to keep me company and today was extra special. Today I was going to open my hear once again.

Paul had asked me out to a picnic and I had said I would go. I was surprised is realizing that even though my heart still ached for Emmett it seemed to making room for Paul. So here I stood with both Emily and Kim as they helped me get ready for my first day sine becoming single again.

Turning I looked into the mirror an bit my lip. "You ladies have worked a miracle."

Though I am not used to wearing a skirt I liked what they picked out for me

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Though I am not used to wearing a skirt I liked what they picked out for me.  Slipping my feet into the sandals Kim handed me I nodded to them.

"Go on out I'll be out in a minute."

Kim and Emily left and I looked at the mirror and took a deep breath the butterflies in my stomach going nuts.

"Okay Angel," I whispered, "You can do this. You deserve to be happy and Paul had been making things better for you. It is time to let the past go and embrace the future. A future you can have with Paul." Taking another deep breathe before I left the room.

Heading down the hall I heard the guys talking. Stopping at the door I smiled as I saw Sam and Jared talking to Paul who had his back to me. Sam finally noticed me nodding his head making Paul turn around.

"Angel your beautiful." He moved forward talking my hand kissing it. "Come on I have something special planned for us."

"Oh really and what would that be?"

"A surprise." He smiled to the other before heading out to his truck holding the door opened for me. Getting in I took a deep breathe as he went around the truck. 

Something seemed off. I wondered if it had to do with the bond but I was unsure. I knew Emmett didn't love me he said so and I was trying to be with Paul because he make me happy. But for some reason something in my gut was making me nervous.

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