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Angel P

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Angel P.O.V

I just gotten out of the shower dressing my my pajama bottoms and my Jurassic Park t-shirt. Moving to my desk I sat my laptop down and putting the rest of my stuff out. Going to the one of many boxes that Rider and Uncle Matt has placed down for me. Taking out a few things I sat them on my desk.

"You have quite a set up here."

I jumped spinning around see a familiar face leaning against my door frame.

I jumped spinning around see a familiar face leaning against my door frame

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"Hey Angel."

I couldn't help it my eyes looked him up and down. Being about the same build as Rider his clothes fit Paul good. An the clothes he had picked out hugged his body showing off his muscles. I had to admit he looked really good.

Turning away I moved to sit on my bed. What was I thinking? It wasn't to long ago I was hurting for a certain vampire an now I was starting to find a good friend attractive. Well Uncle Keegan did say that is was possible for a bonded Sekkari to come to care for another.

Paul came over and sat beside me. "Are you sure your okay?"

I couldn't help it. I felt touched he was so concerned. Leaning over I laid my head on his shoulder. "Yeah I'm getting better." I couldn't help the giggle that escaped. "Especially when I have friends like you guys to be there for me."

Paul chuckled nudged me with his arm. "An we will always be there for you."

I froze as I felt his lips graze my forehead. "Never doubt that."

I looked up an saw his face was very close. I bit my lip wondering what he was thinking. I didn't notice how his eyes looked down at my lips. Paul leaned in a little and I was frozen. Was he about to kiss me? Really? This was crazy.

"Angel! Paul! Lets eat."

Me and Paul jumped apart as Aunt Cassie's voice rung through the room. "We'll be right down."

Blushing I got up and grabbed his hand. "Come on I am starving and I am sure your hungry to."

I heard him whisper. "Yeah."

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