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Angel P

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Angel P.O.V

 The time seemed to fly by as our plane finally touched down in Italy. It seemed like the last few hours never really happened. I was waiting with Bella as Alice had disappeared. To where I could not tell you but as a flashy yellow car pulled up I had an idea of what and where she was.

Getting in I took the first deep breathe since we took off from Washington. I was worried about the pack back in La Push. I was worried about my aunt and uncle and I was worried about Charlie. He had just lost Harry and then when he gets home it is to find his daughter is missing. Bella will have a lot to make up for when she gets back.

As Alice sped around the car Bella gripped the dash as she looked toward Alice. "How much time do we have?"

Alice was quite a moment before answering. "He's waiting till noon, when the sun's at it's highest...." she passed another car speeding more. ".... He's going to make the Volturi change their minds."

I felt the anxiety course through me. I may hate Emmett but I did not want Edward to kill himself. "Alice can you go any faster?" I could see the old style village up ahead. 

As she weaved her way through the narrow lanes in the village and missing the people who where walking around Bella was on the verge of hyperventilating. I leaned forward and grabbed her shoulder making her jump.

" Bella you need to calm your breathing. We will make it this I promise you."

"How do you know?"

"It's me Bella. If I really wanted something to happen do you think anything could stop me?" When she shook her head I smirked. "Then know this I will not let that hard headed idiot kill himself. We will stop him I promise."

"Why are they all wearing red?"

"San Marcos Day Festival."

Before we could even make it to the square security stopped us saying we could not drive any closer. As Alice spoke with them me and Bella jumped out of the car. Alice looked over.

"Remember the clock tower. Now go."

Reaching over I grabbed Bella's hand knowing she could use the support and we took off. I was almost pulling Bella with me pushing her running to it's limits. A few tie when she started to fall I would help her stay upright. This was not the time for her to lose her footing, not when time was of the essence.

As we got closer to the tower we were practically pushing people out of the way. I pushed Bella ahead of me so she was propelled more. We stopped as we reached the fountain.

"There he is!"

I looked up to see there at the base of the clock tower Edward stood slowly unbuttoning his shirt. I took a deep breathe as he got closer to the sun. I could see a little girl turned looking at him tugging on her mothers robes.

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