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Angel P

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Angel P.O.V

Finally making it back to Sam's and Emily's I took a deep breathe before approaching the house knowing the hell that was coming my way. Sure enough as I got closer to the house the door slammed opened and Paul and the others rushed out.

"What were you thinking?"

I crossed my arm as Paul ran forward gabbing my shoulders as he looked me over. "I wanted this over."

"Are you hurt?"


He pulled me into a tight hug before kissing me. " I was so worried please don't scare me like that again."

I sighed and settled in his arms enjoying the warmth that radiated from him." I'm sorry I worried you but  wanted Victoria to finally go away. She had caused so much trouble."

Suddenly Sam ran forward. "Angel head over to check on Bella we are going over to the Clearwaters."

I looked up confused. "The Clearwater's? Why what happened?"

Paul looked down at me kissing my forehead. "Angel Harry had a heart attack.He's gone."

I felt my heart start to break, Harry was a very sweet. I barred my head against Paul's chest as the tears fell from my eyes. "I'll miss him."

Sam walked up and placed his hand on my shoulder. "Head back to Bella's and tell Jake to come back."

"Alright Sam." Before I could pull away Paul pulled me closer to give me a quick kiss. Moving away I ran back to Bella's.

When I got there I froze. There was a familiar car in the drive and Jake was pacing outside. "Jake whats going on?"

"There is a vampire in there."

"And you just let Bella go in there on her own."

"I can't she said it was one of the Cullens." 

I felt my heart tightened at the mention of the family of the man I have tried to forget. Taking a deep breathe I turned and ran inside freezing at who I saw.


"Alice!" She ran over and wrapped her small arms around me hugging me tight. "How are you?"

"Good how have you been Angel?"

I frowned. "I have been making it as best as  I can."

She moved over to sit by Bella as I sat on Bella's other side. "I was just saying how idiotic she has been."

"I know but I have trued to help as best as I could." 

I let my mind wonder as Alice talked thinking about the last few months and how they have changed.

"What is that god awful wet dog smell."

"That s probably me, well probably Jake."


"He is sort of a werewolf."

"Bella Werewolves are not good company to keep."

"Speak for yourself."

We looked up and saw Jake standing at the door. "I wanted to make sure you were okay."

"I thought you couldn't protect me here."

"I guess I don't care."

I got up and moved closer to Jake. "AN werewolves Alice are the same kind of company as you and you family" At her confused look I lifted my head. "I have finally found a companion in Paul."

She gasped. "Angel. What about Emmett?"

I glared. "Emmett made his choice he chose to kick me to the curb."

Alice looked to the side as if she was hiding something but I didn't care. "If you'll excuse me I'm going outside."

Moving outside I got as far as the sidewalk before I fell to my knees as the tear wracked my body. I had tried so hard to close of myself from them. I tried so hard for forget them.... forget him. But that didn't work. Just Alice saying his name made my chest hurt like it used to. Paul had made things better but it took all of one name to change all that.


I looked up as Alice moved to sit at my side. I pulled my knees up crossing my arms around them. "What do you need Alice?"

"I just want to talk."


There was a few moments of silence before she spoke. "Angel he feels terrible. He was sorry he ever lied to you."

I gritted my teeth against the pain I was feeling. " Well he is right he should not have lied and made me think he loved me and let me bond to him."

"No Angel. He lied about not loving you. Emmett loves you something fierce and he was just scared. Every since Tanner hurt he is worried that being around him will put you in more danger and he couldn't sit by and let you continue to get hurt."

Before I could answer Alice gasped as she was taken over by one of her visions. I took that moment to step away to think. She said he lied to me and I had thought it was in telling me that he loved me. But according to Alice Emmett lied about not loving me. Why would he do that? Why would he throw me to the side just because he is worried about what might happen.

The slamming of a door caught my attention. Turning I saw Alice in the car and Bella storming down the side walk Jake following her. Running up I stopped Bella.

"Bella what is going on?"

"It's Edward he's going to the Volturi to kill himself."

"I'm going with you."

"Angel Paul won't allow...."

I glared at Jake. "Paul does not control what I do. I am going for the sole purpose to keep Bella safe and make sure she comes home. Tell Paul I expect to see him when I return." With that I jumped into the car glaring at Alice who was smirking. "Say nothing Alice."

"Yes Angel."

Once Bella was inside Alice speed off toward the airport. If there had been time I would have insisted on using the Wyatt private jet but I sat back and let the urgency of the situation spread through me allowing the time to fly by.


Sorry it has been a while since my last update. I was in the process of moving and now I am mostly settled I am able to get in here and make a post. An be sure to keep your eyes out I am about to post the first chapter of my Jasper story.

Again I am sorry if this chapter seemed to be all over the place it was one of the many parts of the movie that just ghosted my head, lol

I hope you are still enjoying the story and as always


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