The Sekkari Clans

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This is a little guide of the clans being you will see a coupe of the them in this book as well as the next. You'll see all the clans when we get to Breaking Dawn. I mean Angel will not stand by and let Bella's little girl be in danger let alone everyone else.

So here is a little guide of the clans. Who they are and their powers. Enjoy.

The Draakul

Creighton- Shape-shifter but prefers to shift into only dragons

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Creighton- Shape-shifter but prefers to shift into only dragons

Maisy- She can control the element of wind

Children in order of birth

Kameron- Mimicry he can temperately make himself look like another

Torrian- Has to ability to manipulate ice elements

Davina- She can control the element of earth

Gavina- She can control the element of water

Farlon- Shape-shifter favorite animal is a tiger

Faing- Shape-shifter favorite animal is a wolf

The Grady

Damian - Freeze people in place

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Damian - Freeze people in place

Donoven - Power Negation

Keegan- Electrokinesis (ability to manipulate electricity)

Makayla- Aura Perception

MacKenzie- Astral Projection

The Moons

Kade-Shape shifter (wolf)Zaina-Spiritual Possession

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Kade-Shape shifter (wolf)
Zaina-Spiritual Possession

Ares-Umbrakinesis (ability to manipulate shadow into figures)

Izadora- Temporary Power Mimicry

The Faye

Evan- Catoptromancy (ability to see things through mirrors)

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Evan- Catoptromancy (ability to see things through mirrors)

Kayla- Augentation( ability to enhance anothers abilities
Guthrie 'Gunner'- shape shifter (wolf)

Andrew-Cloning (ability to temporary clone themselves

Trinity- Animal Empathy (can understand and talk to animals

Kayden- Projection (Can make someone see something that isn't there.)

The Lantean

Ronon- shape shifter (lion)

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Ronon- shape shifter (lion)

Juliana- Aerokinesis (can manipulate air

Penelope-Nymph (can communicate with mother nature and cares for the land.)

Emberly-shape shifter (panther)

Xavier- Teleportation (can teleport short distances an can carry one other person)

Xander- Healing

Blaze- levitation and telekenesis

Luna-Can make anyone fall asleep.

I mentioned there were 7 main clans and the Wyatt's was the other one. Now There is one more clan to be made but with that I could use some help. 

I am trying to find unique name first and last. I will then figure out their family an add them at a later date.

SO continue with having an amazing day and as always


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