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Angel P

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Angel P.O.V

 The next few hours have passed by like a blur.  I have mostly ignored both Alice and Edward when they would start to ask me things about Emmett an things like that. Then there was Bella who has not really said anything to me since we left. It almost seemed like when she got Edward back I wasn't there anymore.

Pulling out my phone I quickly text Paul to letting him know that I'll be landing soon. I already knew who would be meeting us when we landed and I did not want to see him.


With a sigh I looked over at Edward who looked up from a sleeping Bella. "What?"

"You know everything he said was a lie. He was only trying to protect you."

Here we go again. " I don't care  what you say Edward he still did what he did and I have moved on."

He left me alone again. I looked out the window as we got closer to the landing strip. I sure hope Paul and the others where there. I was scared to see the Cullen's 

As the plane landed I grabbed my bag and quickly got up. But before I could run off Edward gently grabbed my arm.

" You have to face him at some time."

"It is none of your business."

"Angel please."

I yanked my arm from his grasp and walked off the plane. I had hope to make my way around the Cullen's but as I walked off the plane I saw that was not going to happen. 

There stood all the Cullen's my eyes scanned them all staying from one in particular.

Carlisle moved forward pulling me into a hug. "Angel. How are you?"

I looked at him brow raised. "What do you think Carlisle."

Esme, Drew, and Jasper moved forward to give me a hug. As Edward, Alice and Bella joined them I moved away in the hope to sneak away.

I made it as far as the empty parking lot when a voice stopped me. "Angel?"

 I nearly whimpered at the pain that quickly returned to my chest. Turning around I saw Emmett standing there his family standing behind him.


"What do you want?"

Emmett moved forward slowly as he extended his head I moved away from his touch making him freeze. "Angel please."

I glared at him ignoring the need I saw in his eyes. "Please what I owe you nothing."

Emmett sighed as he looked me in the eyes. "I have missed you. I know now what I did was the worst decision I ever made."

I crossed my arms. "A decision you made without me. Emmett if you had talked to me we could have worked something out but you didn't. Both you and your idiot brother decided for me and Bella. Though Bella is going to be stupid and except Edward back with no work on his part know this Emmett Cullen. I moved on. You were told what a bonding does and you threw ours away so now you are to late. At least you never completed the ritual. I could not see myself being forever bonded to someone with no heart or compassion for the one they claimed they loved. So stay the hell away from me."

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