Hello Forks!

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Angel P

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Angel P.O.V

I was excited as the plan landed. I missed my friends and Bella and everyone else in Forks. Ireland was nice but there was no where like home. As the plane landed I jumped up grabbing my bag and running off the plane and into the arms of Aunt Cassie.

"I have miss you Aunt Cassie."

"Oh my sweet Angel you have been missed."

As she backed up Uncle Matt pulled me into a tight hug." MY little Angel I am glad you are home."

Rider came out tossing a bag to Matt when he stepped away. "Lets get the Angel back into her heaven."

We pulled into the SUV and headed toward home. "Do you know where Bella is?"

Aunt Cassie frowned. "She's probably over at Sam and Emily's."

"Why would she be there?"

Uncle Matt groaned. "Lets just say she is quite and inquisitive young lady. She figured out what they were."

"So Bella has been very busy."

As we neared home I knew I wanted to head to La Push first. "Uncle Matt stop the car." Once he did I handed my bag to Rider. "I'm gonna run to La Push."

Aunt Cassie smiled. "Okay but be home for dinner we are having Charlie over."

"Alright Aunt Cassie." Jumping out of the SUV I took off running toward the home of my close friends.

Getting closer I heard talking and jumping up into the trees I moved from tree to tree getting closer to the house. Leaning against the tree I smiled for the first real time in a while. There standing outside around a fire pit was Sam, Emily, Jared,Paul and Bella. But what did surprise me was there was also Embry and Jacob.

I knew right away by their appearance they were now wolves. I moved closer thinking about scaring the new wolves. Thinking back to Sam's teaching I readied myself to change into a wolf feeling weird being I haven't changed in a while.

Leaping from the tree I shifted mid-air landing behind Embry and Jacob nudging them with my head. As they turned they jumped back.

"What the heck.?"


Bella got up and quickly walked over to me. "Angel!"

Shifting back quickly I wrapped my arms around her hugging her tight. "How are you sister?"

I felt her sniff against my shirt. I laid my head on her shoulder. She tightened her arms for a moment before backing away.

"Welcome back Angel."

"Glad to be back."

As she stepped away Sam, Emily, and Jared came forward hugging her tight.


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