Farwell Ireland!

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Angel P

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Angel P.O.V

I just got back to my room dropping my bags on the couch. I had been shopping in the small village getting a few things for my aunt and uncle, not to mention for Bella, Charlie and my friends in La Push. I knew it was getting time to head back. I wasn't back to 100% but I was enough I knew I was strong enough to survive this. If Emmett didn't want me then I will not waste my time wanting him. An as Keegan said I may yet find someone to be happy with later.

I caught myself smiling thinking about the phone call yesterday.


I was laid out on the bed in my room at the Draakul manor reading a book when my phone rang. It was starting to get dark so I was curious as to who was calling. So I answered my phone without looking at the ID.



I couldn't help the large grin that hit my face. "Paul!"

He chuckled. "How are you and how is Ireland?"

"I am better and I miss my friends back in the states. As for Ireland it is nice but I enough Washington better."

"Well come back home. The guys miss you as does Emily."

"Don't worry I plan on coming home soon. I promise when I come I'll bring gifts from Ireland."

Me and Paul had talked for about an hour before handing up.

~~~~~~~~~ flashback~~~~~~

I gathered everything together that I would be going back to Washington. I had a two gifts for the wolf pack. One was nice the other was a joke. As I finished packing the last box of stuff my phone rang again.



"Bella are you okay."

"Angel I miss you."

"I miss you too how is things?"

She took a deep breathe. "Angel there is a problem."


"Laurent and Victoria are back. Victoria wants revenge on James she wants to kill me."

I growled. "I'm on the first flight back to Forks."

"Angel there is something else going on."


"Do you know anything about giant wolves in and around Forks."

I bit my lip knowing who she was talking about. "I heard rumors why?"

"They saved me. I went to the meadow and Laurent was there. He was still red eyed and he wanted to kill me but the wolves came and attacked him."

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