El Dorado - Exodus

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  "Well, it's about time for us to go eat, so finish removing those contacts." Sehun reminded Minseok, and Minseok looked around questioningly.

"How can you tell what time it is? I don't see a clock." he continued to look around, but he still couldn't find one.

"We have an internal time system. It's kind of like we can feel when things are about to happen. It's a side effect of going through the routine so many times. You'll gain an inner tick once you get used to the schedule." Sehun explained, and Minseok felt slightly jealous. He wanted to pick things up as quickly as Sehun did.

They arrived a bit late to the mess hall, but at least they weren't last. Chanyeol and Baekhyun arrived finally after everyone had gotten seated, and Baekhyun's hair looked suspiciously wilder than what it looked like an hour ago.

"Get lucky Yeol?" Yifan grinned from behind his beer, and Chanyeol only winked at all of them.

"Naturally," he responded, and Luhan threw his arm over Yixing laughing. Yixing remained still, but his eyes turned up with his smile, giving away his evident reaction.

Baekhyun took a seat next to Sehun, tossing his legs across the remainder of the empty bench.

"Mannnnnnn my knees are killing me," he whined in Sehun's ear, and Sehun raised an eyebrow.

"Go to a chiropractor old man," he responded, and Minseok promptly spits out his drink in favor of laughing wildly. Sehun felt a smile spread across his own face, pleased that his hyung was happy, but promptly got knocked up the backside of the head via Baekhyun.

"Not funny Sehunnie. You're so mean to your hyung," he whined.

"I'm equally mean to everyone hyung, don't flatter yourself." Sehun deadpanned, causing Minseok to choke up more.

"Whoa, there kitty keep those claws in," Luhan whined from next to Minseok. Apparently, Minseok had to hold Luhan's arm to keep himself steady while laughing, and his grip had gotten a bit tight as he laughed harder.

"Sorry." Minseok coughed as he let go embarrassed, and Sehun laughed at the two of them.

"Don't sit so close to my partner then Luhan hyung," he warned, and Minseok felt warmer at being acknowledged.

"But I like Minnie." Luhan drawled, and Sehun scoffed.

"That's a stupid nickname." he shot back, and the two dove into a full-blown argument that quickly began to resemble a Battle Royale. It was hard to see which of the two was even winning, or what the two were even arguing about anymore. Everyone looked quite entertained at the spectacle, Yifan even stopping to snap a picture of the two arguing. 

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