My Answer - Love Me Right

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"Hyung, I'm glad the performance went well today. You did great." Sehun later stated, while soaping up Minseok's back. Minseok only hummed as he ran his hands through his soapy hair, making Sehun wish that Minseok was doing that to Sehun's head rather than his own right now. It was torturous, knowing everyone was keeping each other some form of company, and he could only watch Minseok from a friend distance. It was infuriating at the highest level.

"Sehun-ah, your turn. I'm done with the water." Minseok waved Sehun back to reality, and Sehun shook his head to clear his thoughts. Sehun knew that the blood running through his body would rush backward if Minseok ever rejected him, and yet, Sehun wanted to hear a straight up answer. It was terribly confusing.

Sehun jumped a bit when Minseok's hand began to wash his back, and Sehun fought ever burning feeling in his body to not react to the feeling of his partner's hands running down his back. Sehun forced the feeling down, willing his body to let his mind be back in control. His heart clearly wasn't very reliable right now.

"Sehun-ah, are you usually this tense when we shower? I think you're literally a statue." Minseok's voice teased him from behind, and Sehun could only manage a small squeak in response, Minseok happening to press into the small of his back at the same time. Minseok fell silent at his response, and there was a small moment of dead silence before, "Sehun-ah, do you have something to tell me?"

Sehun was glad he was facing away or he would most definitely have tried to drown himself under the spray. Minseok chose to be perceptive NOW at all times? Luck was clearly not on Sehun's side.

"Nope. I'm just tired Minseok." Sehun answered, but he froze up when Minseok deliberately put a hand on his waist to keep him in place. Sehun couldn't help but freeze in place like an actual statue.

"Now you're speaking casually? Wonder what brought that on." Minseok kept his hand on Sehun's hipbone as he continued to help Sehun rinse off.

"I speak like this to everyone." Sehun snarked, but Minseok only chuckled, his laugh sounding suspiciously deeper and more alluring in Sehun's fogged up mind.

"If I didn't know better," Minseok gently placed both his hands against Sehun's waist and Sehun gulped as Minseok's body slowly pressed against his back, "I'd say that you're hiding something. You've always been brutally honest Sehun-ah, let's not start learning to lie now. Okay?"

If it was possible to lose one's voice in a split second, Sehun had definitely experienced this in this mere time window. Minseok had nestled himself comfortably in Sehun's lower back, the height difference more obvious now.

"I asked you something Sehun-ah." Minseok gently tightened his hold on the younger, and Sehun squeaked in response, suddenly unable to form a complete sentence.

"What happened to those snarky remarks?" Minseok prompted, and Sehun turned around, causing Minseok to let go in surprise.

"That's not funny Minseok hyung. You never behave like this." Sehun stared down at the older, but instead of stumbling backward and apologizing like the usual Minseok would do, Minseok held Sehun's gaze, a dominating gleam in his irises. Sehun broke the stare, feeling a bit unnerved. This wasn't Minseok; this was Xiumin.

"Sehun-ah, can you look me in the eyes when I'm talking to you? I'm trying to understand you." Minseok's voice was smooth and convincing against the running water in the background, and Sehun shakily adjusted his vision so he was looking at Minseok hesitantly.

"As you know Sehun, you're not a very good liar. In fact, I can see right through you. But I would like to clarify one thing," Minseok was gentle in his tone, but his eyes were deadly under his damp bangs. Sehun's throat ran dry at the sight.

"Is this just a figment of your fantasies? Or do you actually want a commitment from," Minseok gestured between both their bodies, "this?" he finished, and Sehun's eyes snapped impossibly wider.

"Wha-, no, what? Uh, I mean, hyung, I like you! I really like hyung as a partner and as a person. So please don't make me more embarrassed!" Sehun finally exploded, and Minseok stood still, his hands at his sides, his eyes unmoving, unblinking, face impassive. It was as if time had stopped for both of them, and Sehun wasn't sure whether to embrace or condone the silence.

"Hyung..." Sehun let his head fall onto Minseok's smaller shoulder, wet forehead pressing against delicate skin, "Please don't play with me because of this. What I want, I've only wanted from you. Don't mess with me, I haven't got an explanation for wha-"

Minseok pulled Sehun off from his shoulder and gently covered his mouth with his own hand.

"Shut up Sehun. You're rambling." Minseok's eyes shone with mirth as he laughed at the younger, but that didn't calm Sehun's racing heart.

"You're thinking too much Sehun-ah. While I do admit that your confession wasn't expected, I must say that I do like you as well. So, let's be partners forever, both on and off of the stage. What do you say?" 

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