Stronger - Ex'Act

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From then on, every day had become a new step between Minseok and Sehun. The two became joined at the hip, in both early morning training, to their nightly showers together. Wherever Minseok was, Sehun was bound to be within reach, and it was always easy to tell that they were meant for each other. Their chemistry for their routines peaked early on and kept steadily holding as they got used to each other's touches and motions through the air. And Sehun kept his promise to Minseok, only going to town during light hours when Minseok was with him, and no one had ever come in his way again ever since. To say Sehun was satisfied was actually an overstatement though, for he had hardly made any progress with Minseok other than hugs. Minseok had been a huge obstacle to breach, to begin with, always being alone or sneaking off to play with Tanu, Sehun could feel a pout building within him. Minseok was spending more time with Tanu than he was, and he wanted his partner back. He didn't realize that crushing on someone entailed jealousy of female wolves, but he supposed it was better than an actual girl or guy. But either way, he still wanted Minseok back.

"Minseok hyung, wanna run through that again?" Minseok looked up to see Sehun dangling effortlessly in the Lyra hoop above him, looking completely unfazed. Minseok could feel the sweat dripping down his own back, and he shuddered. How could Sehun manage to do all of that ten-minute performance without breaking a sweat?

"You know I'm old right?" Minseok grumbled to himself, but apparently, Sehun heard him, because he dropped down elegantly and pulled Minseok in for a tight hug. Minseok struggled, his whines falling on deaf ears, and he eventually gave up. He was secretly weak when Sehun gave him all of his attention, and he also gave the best hugs.

"Sehun, I'm sweaty." Minseok laughed, trying to get out of the hug, but Sehun only purred against his back, causing Minseok to turn red, glad that he was facing the other way.

"You smell like blueberries hyung. I think I made a good choice with the shampoo." he praised himself, and Minseok couldn't tell whether he was telling Minseok that he smelled good, or just being a hype man to himself.

"Gross you two. Get a freaking room." Luhan walked past, a pair of handcuffs dangling off of one fragile wrist, and Junmyeon wasn't far behind, his hair a little damp from a new water excursion of death. Minseok felt the heat rush to his face, but Sehun refused to let go.

"Whatever. You look like you just got up to some freaky shit backstage." Sehun shot back, nodding at the handcuff, and Luhan at least had the decency to look a little bit scandalized.

"This was for a stunt! How dare you criticize my art!" he screeched, and Junmyeon was quick to yank him away, threatening to drown him in his sleep if he tried to wake up the entire city with his howling. Minseok tried to get out of Sehun's grip but found himself still quite stuck in the younger's hold.

"Sehun, time to let go." he laughed, but Sehun only squeezed tighter.

"But hyung I haven't cuddled with you in forever. It's been ages." the younger whined, and Minseok blushed red.

"We cuddled last night?" He racked his memory for a decent excuse but found none.

"Food's ready!" Kyungsoo called in the distance, and Sehun finally released Minseok.

"Hyung let's go!" 

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