The Eve - The War

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Minseok could appreciate Sehun being shorter than him now, allowing Minseok to effectively card his hands through Sehun's damp hair. Wasting water was the last possible thought in both of their heads at the moment. Minseok favored the way Sehun's eyes fluttered as he took cautious breaths, which fanned Minseok's member lightly. It occurred to Minseok that Sehun wouldn't even have to do anything remotely appealing because Minseok thought everything Sehun did was amazing and beautiful.

A kiss pressed to the inside of his thigh brought Minseok back from his daydream, and Sehun lazily licked his way up Minseok's growing shaft. It had been a while since Sehun had properly gotten someone else off, and he was proud to say that he enjoyed the way Minseok's attention was now 100% on him rather than whatever the older was thinking about. Sehun would show him what happened when people he likes ignored him.

Minseok let out a breathy sigh as Sehun picked up his actions, choosing to slide Minseok's member deep into his mouth before swirling his tongue around the head as he pulled away. It was probably a problem that Minseok was falling this quickly and this hard, but with Sehun, Minseok felt like he could trust him anytime.

Sehun could sense that Minseok was returning from his earlier Xiumin-state so he pulled away, leaving Minseok breathless as he fought to stay standing. It hadn't even occurred to Minseok that he would even have trouble standing with the way Sehun worked his mouth. Guess he'd have to make sure he had something to balance himself on in the future. Minseok couldn't believe that he was already planning for a future.

"Sit on the bench Minseok." Sehun's eyes were dark as he stood back up, and Minseok quickly snapped his gaze up to meet the younger's intense gaze.

"That's hyung to you Sehun-ah," Minseok smacked Sehun's leg as he went to sit on the bench anyway. Minseok fought a coy smile off of his face as he heard Sehun's almost inaudible whine from behind him.

"So, how do you want to do this?" Minseok gestured between Sehun and himself.

Sehun stilled in front of Minseok, his hands clenching and unclenching at his sides at the thought.

"Sehun-ah," Minseok snuck his hand up the sides of Sehun's toned legs and rested his hands on the insides of the younger's quivering thighs, "Have you done this before?" 

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