Tactix - Coming Over

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Minseok hadn't felt this hot in awhile. Not because he had just flipped his body weight around in circles for about an hour straight, but because the effect Sehun had on him. Sehun had continuously gotten closer both in the ring, and outside of it. Minseok found himself looking forward to the nightly cuddle sessions on their shared couch, when they were done showering and just relaxing. Sehun always showered with Minseok, but they had never joined the rest of the group for hot water. Minseok just wasn't that confident yet, although he was happy his body was finally becoming much more defined than before.

Minseok would be lying to himself if he said that he wasn't oblivious to the way Sehun was acting, but he was also very confused about how Sehun treated him just like the others. Minseok would feel special if Sehun did something for him, but then Sehun would turn around and do the same thing for someone else. He could often find himself feeling less and less special whenever Sehun did something for Baekhyun, or even Junmyeon. It wasn't like he was jealous...more like he was vaguely disappointed.

He didn't know how to feel, but he was just happy that they at least shared a trailer, it was something that Minseok felt was just the two of them, lost in their own little world. He supposed that he should work up the confidence within himself and ask the younger out, but he wasn't even sure of his own feelings yet. It was weird to compare himself to a lovesick teen again. Sehun worked very differently from any of the other guys outside the circus. Maybe it was because Sehun had never exactly been around the other guys outside, but that was just the thing.

Minseok knew he was the older one, that he should be handling things like the mature adult he was, but he felt such a weakness to when Sehun was with him. He had never pictured himself as submissive, but he supposed it was because he had never been affected like how Sehun was affecting him. He hadn't even realized that he was the only one left in the tent.

"Damn. I'm either really dense, or super slow." he cursed, but jumped in surprise when someone responded.

"I suppose in this case, you're a little bit of both." Jongdae emerged from the shadows of one of the lion ramp sets, and Minseok felt relieved at the fact that it wasn't Sehun.

"What are you doing here right now? Shouldn't you be eating?" he grumbled, and Jongdae waved a dismissive hand.

"As if you can talk, you're doing the same thing." He responded, but he got a thoughtful face as he looked up at all of the trapeze wires looping across the ring.

"It's like flying right? The way Sehun feels up there, it's not something you can easily replicate. But his face says it all, for all of his stoic bitch face." Jongdae laughed to himself, but quickly refocused on Minseok.

"Anyone could tell you two are crushing on each other. What an old school notion. Sehun has it just as bad as you do, but you're being cliche and dancing around each other, figuratively and literally." Minseok winced at the reality, but knowing it and hearing it were two totally different notions already.

"I'm not sure what you're talking about." he avoided confrontation, but Jongdae didn't look like he had any intention of leaving the older alone for even a second.

"Dude, trust me, I do not need Sehun cockblocking Tao and I any longer. He's taking over my trailer, and if I have to wash my sheets one more time because of him, I'm going to go crazy. Go fix that stupid wolf boy." Jongdae didn't even flinch when revealing such closed information, and Minseok felt himself grow ten times more warm than before.

"Minseok hyung, just tell him you like him. It can't be that hard right?" Minseok raised an eyebrow at the younger.

"Easy for you to say. You already have Tao. Why are you even here?" he shot back, and Jongdae laughed easily, like the answer was obvious.

"It's hard to get your boyfriend off when there's a spoiled brat next to us moaning your name. That brat doesn't even use honorifics when he finishes. I want to hit him sometimes. So basically, take him back!" 

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