So I guess we made it
We can stand up and shout we're a graduating class of fuck ups but fuck you we made it
The nights were we thought we couldn't finish, numerous empty blank pages of nothingness
Our hearts beating in unison of our brain after all the vodka shots we drink day upon day to forget the person who left us making us think we're abandoned cars stalled out and
Sitting empty on a busy highway
And you know some of us were and if in some way that was their definition of us then let's not worry
They only got out to walk and get gas
We cannot be the faded echoes of voices crying out 'names will never hurt me' , 'people will never use me'
of course they did, but let's act as if we're in a circus balancing act, although pain is loosing, and beauty is winning.
Because depression cannot be cured by the contents of a first aid kit , depression cannot be understood nor defeated by the affection of someone we assume to be in love with
Yes there will be days were depression is the only culprit of why we are bleeding, hurting, crying
But love, poetry, music & God will always be the elements of why I stay alive for
; @_bpoetry