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"Holy shit, that Saturday Night Special was awesome!" Y/n raves as Emma pulls the car away from the convention center and heads towards the hotel.

"Rich was looking good, like always," I respond from the backseat.

"Don't forget..." Emma begins.

"Robbie," we all say in unison.

"We know, dude, that man is your kink," Y/n continues, rolling down her window.

"And Jensen is yours," Emma replies.

"And Tahmoh, and Adam Fergus, and Sebastian, and Ty," I add, naming off several other cast members.

"Ok shut up, Kirsten. The cast is hot, alright?" Y/n defends, cheeks semi-rosy as she turns the radio up. "Oh, shit," she murmurs as a song comes on.

"You know you want to sing it, Y/n," Emma smirks at her.

"Ugh," she groans before beginning to sing along. "Ooh I got a body full of liquor, with a cocaine kicker, and I'm feeling like I'm thirty feet tall, so lay it down, lay it down."

"She just can't help herself, can she?" I inquire with a chuckle.

"Nope," Emma replies, popping the 'p'.

"You got your legs up in the sky, with the devil in your eyes, let me hear you say you want it all, say it now, say it now." Y/n continues singing to the night and waving her hand out of her open window before turning to us and smiling, "I'm a sucker for Bruno, ok?"

I laugh and Emma shakes her head. "We know."

"Look what you're doing, look what you've done, but in this jungle you can't run, 'cause what I got for you, I promise it's a killer. You'll be banging on my chest, bang bang, gorilla," Y/n sings along, banging her chest along to the music, "Ooh, yeah, you and me baby making love like gorillas."

So into the song, Y/n doesn't notice the black SUV next to us at the stop light.

"Yeah, I got a fistful of your hair, but, you don't look like you're scared, you just smile and tell me, 'Daddy, it's yours,' 'cause you know how I like it, you's a dirty little lover," a deeper voice sings from the next car.

Y/n's head snaps to look out the window, immediate bitch face on for the intruder interrupting her song.

"Oh, shit," she mumbles, turning to face me in the backseat, face pale and eyes wide.

"What?" I ask, leaning forward to look out the window. "Oh, shit!"

"Fuck! Kirsten, Emma, oh my God, what do I do?" Y/n panics.

"Keep singing it," Emma suggests, shrugging her shoulders with a smile.

"Real helpful, asshole," Y/n bites out as the music and Jensen's serenade continues, "Yeah, I'll just sing to Jensen fucking Ackles. Great idea!"

"We keep rocking while they're knocking on our door," Jensen sings through the rolled-down window of the SUV, "And you're screaming,"

"Give it to me baby, give it to me motherfucker!" Y/n sings back, huge smile on her face as she makes up her mind.

"Oh, look what you're doing, look what you've done, but in this jungle you can't run, 'cause what I got for you, I promise it's a killer. You'll be banging on my chest, bang bang, gorilla," the two sing to each other as the light turns, Y/n once again banging her chest to the song. It gets a laugh out of the man across the road from her before they continue, "Ooh, yeah, you and me baby making love like gorillas."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2018 ⏰

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