twenty two - bts

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-twenty two; time fly

a few months later—
monday, 10 september 2018
10:56 am-

months past,

the rest of september went by with me telling storys to them about about bangtan, and their reactions were priceless, they would clap, while saying weird english stuff to boast their pride more everytime i say they won at an award.

on november we all went on a vacation too bali and i swear, they all have abs. wait what? we spent precisely 2 weeks there, and left with smiles plastered on our faces.

on october we surprised jimin with a lil friend, a cat to be precise, a calico cat cause duh- serendipity, and at the same time i went to adopt igno too, his tail wagging when he saw me, he is seriously the most adorable thing i ever saw, even if taehyung and hoseok say that they're the cutest.

on november i re-opened my flower shop, jin suggested that i should also turn it into a type of cafe flower shop hybrid- lmao, thing, so i did, and quite a lot of people came since the first day of re-opening.

on december we celebrated christmas together, oh and we also celebrated taehyung and jins birthday, it was so loud, we were wasted, embarrassing snap chats and instagram storys, that i hoped i could delete but everyone already saw it anyways- mostly it was us dancing on tables, screaming totally wrong lyrics to the song and the usual shit.

on january all of us were focusing ourselves to our own work, we would meet each other rarely and communicate from our phones but it was worth it.

on february, we celebrated hoseok's birthday, we went too his hospital too surprise him, we heard that he was stressed out so we were acting like we forgot and we surprised him, he was so happy and smiley, he even cried a bit.

on march it was already yoongi's birthday, we went to his restaurant but instead he was the one who surprised us, he let us ate anything we want, well i mean its a lamb skewer restaurant so i remember ended up eating 8 sets of skewers.

on april we went on another work month, nothing crazy happened but once may started we immediately went  on another vacation to paris, it was so fun and i bought so many new clothes, all we did in paris was eat, sleep and shop. maybe thats why after we got back to korea we were all broke bitches.

june and july could be the most fun month, yeah, all we did was sleep, but we would meet up anywhere possible cause we really had little to do, but those moments were little but they were special. okay cringe.

august was my birthday and they surprised me with a big cake, and i mean a legit big cake, namjoon was in the cake and he popped up making a big mess, we were so loud my neighbors got mad.

and now we're back to september, a year has passed and there were only 8 days left,

'jungkook sent you a message'
'jungkook : "good morning!!!!'

- part twenty two end -

i hope the fast forward thing isn't cringey :(



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