Chapter 1: The Raise of Blind Wing...

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Here it is chapter 1! Hope you like the chapter and Blind Wing a.k.a Valt's design.
Let's us read should we...

Valt has been missing over a year now and still no sign or trace where he is...
And they found Valtyrek in the forest abound. They thought maybe Valt had been kidnapped, attack, or worst...
But where is he now?...

At BC Sol...

It was a bit cloudy outside nothing more.
The BC Sol bladers are training inside but some of the bladers weren't here?...
"Where is Stan and Rickson? They should have been here half an hour ago with the food supplies?.." Said Trad being impatient of those two boys.
Kit and Rantaro were training as they saw Trad serious lecture face.
"What's taking Stan and Rickson so long to get stuff for Ange?" Kit ask and question.
"It's a big city in Spain. Maybe their stuck on a crowd or something?" Said Ranatro.
"Yeah, maybe you're right. Their are a lot of people in town."
Then it started to rain a little and some small thunder can be hear. The door swing open hard that you could hear a bang. Trad and everyone turn their head, that got their attention.
"Trad!! *pant pant* *pant pant* *pant pant* Rickson panted and shout Trad's name for help.
"What's wrong!?" Trad rush up to Rickson.
"Stan got badly hurt by some strong bladers!" Rickson explain as he was holding an injured Stan on his shoulder.
"What happen?!" Trad was worry but was serious to who did this to them.
"Ehh...... When we were walking back here...and there were a group of bladers call the Death Soul..." Said a badly injured Stan.
"Death Soul?" Question Trad. Everyone look at each other and whisper who's ere the Death Soul?
"Death Soul? Who are they?" Question Cooza next to Ranatro and Kit.
"I don't know? But they sound tough." Said Ranatro.
"And reckless and mean." Said Kit.
"Like rotten to the core..." Cooza replied.
"We battle them and they were strong to beat. They're attack are unbelievable and strong and their attacks with just one blow with out a sweat." Rickson explain more.
"But the most strongest have on their team was named Blind Wing... He was the strongest blader to be beat. I think his stronger then Free?" Stan explain more too.
"A blader who's stronger then Free? That is unbelievable!" Said Kit.
Here at BC Sol, Free is the strongest blader here in Spain. No one can beat him or anyone else, will expect for Lui who beat him... Any way Free is hard to beat to anyone he meets and who wants to battle him.
"He was unstoppable! Like he wasn't even human more like a robot... And he battle with his eyes cover."
"A blind battle?! That crazy, even I can't do that." Said Cooza, he can do flips and launch but blindfold in a battle. That a no for him.
"And you won't believe what we found out.... Eh... When we were battling Blind Wing... He knows where Valt is...." Said Stan with the unbelievable news.


Thunder roar as everyone eyes widened. It got silent from the news they heard.
Stan body hurt and groan.
"And that's not all, when we finish battling Blind Wing...he chipped our beys..."
Rickson and Stan show their chipped beys. Some of their pieces where missing and some on their hand.
Everyone were more shock. Why did Blind Wing do that to them when they battle first time?...
"Hm!..... Go take Stan and yourself to the nurse's office and I'll try to fix your beys." Trad pull out his hands for Stan and Rickson to give them their beys to him. So they did and head to the nurse's office.
Some went to help them and others have questions to be answer.
"Blind Wing sound like a jerk!" Cooza pout and cross his arm.
"Yeah! But how did he know Valt? Stan and Rickson didn't told him he know or meet him???" Kit had a good point and question how did Blind Wing know?
"That guy, just want me to fill with rage!! Grrrrrr!" Rantaro growled with rage boiling in him.
"Me too! Grrrrrr!!!" Cooza joined the growled team.
Kit sweat drop, he knows Cooza was just doing that because Rantaro misses Valt. And Cooza miss him too. But they have to stay strong and train hard to see their friend again!
"But what is Blind Wing doing around here?" Kit Question of his own...question.
"Huh? What do you mean, Kit?" Question Cooza.
"You're loosing us over here." Rantaro replied.
"Will if Blind Wing the strongest blader that Stan and Rickson met. Shouldn't he?...."
*gasp* "Shouldn't he be here already and battle Free because his the strongest blader here at BC Sol?!" Cooza said if he was correct.
"That's actually...right. Wow!..... You got the idea pretty fast." Kit was impressed.
"Thank!" Cooza take that as a complement.
"But if Blind Wing didn't battle Free yet? Then which person dose he want to battle??" Rantaro explain and had a good point.
Which blader does Blind Wing wantef to battle?...

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