Chapter 6: The Battle...

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Double Chapter!! Double the drama!!!! Hope you enjoy it! And what you think about?...


*Ring Ring* *Ring Ring*

"Come on! Come on! Pick up! Pick up!"
"Hello?" Someone replied and response.
"Hello, Can I talk to Rantaro, please."
"Oh, okay..." She cover the phone.
"Rantaro it's for you. Someone calling." Said Ange.
"Really?" Rantaro walks up and gets the phone from Ange. He went to a different room to talk.
"Hello?" Rantaro response.
"Wakiya? What are you calling for?" Rantaro ask.
Cooza and Kit were eavesdropping on Rantaro's conversion.
"I'm sorry! Who did the what now!?" Rantaro never believe want his hearing from Wakiya.
"I wonder what they're saying?" Question Kit listening to Rantaro being shock.
"Maybe Wakiya finally tell his feeling to him?" Question Cooza.
They look at each other.
"Nah....." They both said. That's never going to happen, even if it was a theory.
"Ok, ok! I will, I will! Stop shouting through the phone!" Rantaro open the door.
Kit and Cooza fell on the ground because the door swing open unexpected.
Rantaro look at them.
"Heeeey......." Said Cooza.
"Will this is awkward..." Kit feels embarrassed. Same with Cooza.
"Yeah... But I'll ask later about this! Kit do you have your tablet!" Rantaro ask and was serious about something.
"Yeah, I do. Why?" Kit question why Rantaro want his tablet.
"I'll explain later! Get your tablet out!" Rantaro demanded.
"Ok, ok..." Kit pull out his tablet and gives it to Rantaro.
"So... What did Wakiya say?" Cooza ask.
"Something he saw on the news!" Rantaro replied.
"About you marrying to Wakiya?"
"Yes!..... What?!! NOOO!!!!!" Rantaro look at Cooza as he barked and blush.
Cooza and Kit laugh as Rantaro glare at them.
Rantaro was looking for it what Wakiya told him about through the phone.
"There it is!" Rantaro found it and press play.
It was loading...
"What is it?" Kit ask and question.
"You'll see..." Rantaro was waiting for it to play.
"Hello.~" Said a cold evil selfish voice from the screen.
"Lui!" Kit and Cooza both said.
"Lui!" Rantaro growled.

"This is a message for Blind Wing. I heard your a tough and dangerous blader? Well..... Hehehe.... I'll like to see that myself.~ Come here if you want to battle me on a bey battle. If you dare or your just a big faker?... If you don't know who I am, my name is Lui Shirasagi. And I want to crash your spirit!...
Then battle me, if you want me to prove me wrong...
See ya in battle. If your not chicken to come..." Lui smirk evilly.
"HAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!" And laugh evilly as that was the last part of the video.
"Lui, going to fight, Blind Wing!!" Cooza shout.
"Is he serious!!!" Kit shout too.
"It's Lui...." Rantaro replied to Kit's reaction.
"Rantaro has a good point. This is Lui we're talking about." Cooza explain.
"Yeah... Can't argued with that logic."
"What are we going to do?" Cooza ask.
"The same thing what we did when he first battle Red Eye a.k.a Shu and see what happen. We might get some clue about Blind Wing." Rantaro put his finger on his chin.
"Like what do you mean clues, Rantaro?" Question Kit.
"Is about the hint that Blind Wing told us?"
"Ok, one. His hint did not make any sense what so ever. And two, maybe we'll find out Blind Wing's identity." Rantaro theory.
"What are you talking about, Rantaro?" Cooza ask.
"I mean, don't you guys remember when Lui fought Shu. When he was still wearing that mask of his?"
"Oh, I get it!" Cooza got it.
"If Lui breaks Blind Wing's mask... Then we'll know who Blind Wing's true identity!" Kit snap his finger and got what Rantaro was saying.
"If we know Blind Wing's identity. Maybe he'll finally tell us where Valt is!" Said Cooza.
"Exactly! Now.... Let's go see that battle!" Rantaro points for a dramatic pose effect to go with it.
"Right!" They both nod and ready to see the battle of...

Beyblade Burst Evolution: Blind Wing (Shu x Valt)Where stories live. Discover now