Chapter 11: I'm Glad You're Here...

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Valt was back to normal, was back with his friends and apology the damage, hurt, and pain he cause to them, and also he was badly injured and being unconscious when his friends did a group hug.
So Valt was staying in the hospital trying to heal... Will everything from his body and the beys he eaten. His friends didn't leave him for a second. Specially Shu never leave Valt's sides since they put him in bed. So he sits next to Valt helping his injuries and waits for him to wake up from unconscious state.

At Night...

"Zzzzzz........ Zzzzz...... Hm..... Hm?..." Shu woke up and rub his eyes. He didn't know how long he was asleep. Shu was laying his head and arms on Valt's hospital bed and not leaving his side.
He rubs his eyes and yawn, Shu look at were Valt is sleeping but... He was gone??!!! Valt isn't laying on the hospital bed? Where is he!?!!
"Valt!?" Shu gets up from the chair and search around the room.
"Valt!?!" He open the door and went into the hallways. It was nighttime and everyone was asleep. So Shu has to be quiet and look for Valt in the dark hallways at night.
Valt wasn't in the hallways or in the hospital, he must of went outside.
"Valt, I swear if you run off again... I will slap your adorable face off." Thought Shu as he growled.
Shu then went outside and look for Valt as he say his name for a response or replied.
"Valt!!? Valt?!!" He walk parts of the hospital's ground. Their was a small forest behind the building so Shu went that way to find Valt.
He run taking a lot of turns and saying Valt's name.
*Pant pant* *pant pant* Shu was running and panting he run past something that had a beautiful spot of the moon shining down. He stop and came back.
*Pant pant* *pant pant* *pant pant* *Sign*
Shu sign in relief and found him. He was going to kill him for giving him a heart attack!!!!
Valt was sitting on a flat small boulder and looking at the night sky shining down, He was rapped in bandages and wearing a hospital's gown as his now medium long blue hair flows through the wind. As the moon brights the darkness and the stars shimmers like fire.
And the wind blows making a cold breeze and the grass and flowers move by itself. And from the this view you can see the ocean shimmering from the moon's light.
Shu walk up to him.
"Hey...." He replied.
"Ah?!!....." Valt turns around and see Shu standing there.
"Is this spot taking?" Shu point at the space of the boulder.
"N-no.... You're good." Valt scoot a little and pat the boulder and telling Shu you can sit down here.
Shu sit down next to Valt and it was every quiet and a bit awkward for the both of them from what happen yesterday.
"Are you still mad?..." Val ask and cross his arms and putting it on his knees.
"About you leaving the hospital? Yes..." Shu look at him with a serious face.
"Ok, that... But I meant... Are you still mad I'm still your weakness to you?" Valt mumbles and pouts sadly.
"No.... But are you still mad at me of being a traitor to you?" Shu ask.
"No......" Valt wave his head no.
"Do you still want me as your best friend?" Valt look at him sadly.
Shu move in a little closer and hugged Valt lovingly and protectively.
"Yes.... And I don't want you to be sad became of me and my stupidity over power and beating Lui." Shu call himself stupid because the choice he made was stupid.
"But I don't want you to be sad because of my stupidity and making you feel bad every day of your life." Valt started to cry.
"No... No!... That's not true." Shu cupped Valt's face with his hands holding his cheeks and wiping his tears off.
"But I'm the one who made you turn into Red Eye in the first place." *sob sob* *hiccup* *sob sob*
"No! No! Valt... All of this wasn't your fault..." Shu trying to reason with him.
"But half of it, it is....." Valt pout and shed more tears.
"Valt look at me, look at me..." Shu lift up Valt's chin to make him look at him eye to eye.
"............." Valt stay silent and let his hot tears out and see Shu's red scarlet eyes.
"It's okay..... You're okay.... I'm okay...." Shu wipe his tear with his thumb.
"But I stab you... How that okay?!?..." Valt just keep crying.
"...Hm... Ok... But you didn't mean it on purpose or want to do it. You were just afraid and confuse what to do next because of me yelling at you calling you my weakness........" Shu lay his forehead on Valt's.
*Sniff* "....Yeah... But I did it worst when I say 'I hate you' and made you rote into the ground......" Valt hiccup and how is this cheering him up.
"Valt....." Shu squeeze Valt's cheeks a little making them chubby.
"Hm...." Valt had a cute chubby face.

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