Chapter 2: Run...

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The wait is over!! Here's the new chapter you been waiting! Hope you enjoy!...

Red Eye was training with his new, new bey.
Spriggan Requiem...
He throw away his old bey, Legend Spriggan. When he had a rematch with his hateful rival.
He lost the battle to him again. So Red Eye throw away Legend Spriggan because it was useless to him. Even being with a weakness is weak to him.
Red Eye practice with Spriggan Requiem all day no discretion, no one bothering him, and no weakness.
He doing this in a new way. Not what he did with Legend Spriggan, no... This one is full with power, rage, hate, and revenge...
His heart is full of a genocide of determination.
But he likes his new bey better. It has many modes he can choose to beat anyone and I mean ANYONE...
Red Eye can feel Spriggan Requiem growing through his veins. And the thrust of power keeps his insanity strong for revenge and crushing his rival and his so call friend that only named is a weakness.
*pant pant* *pant pant* *pant pant* Red Eye panted from exhausted and catching his breath.
He was thirsty and needs something to drink.
Someone hand him a water bottle.
"Thanks, Valt......." Red Eye got the water bottle from Valt with a not caring face with his eyes close to go with. Red Eye took a sip of water, every gallon it had in that water bottle.
3........... 2............ 1.............

Red Eye cannon water out of his mouth and started coughing.
"VALT!?!!!???" Red Eye growled and surprise too at the the same time.
"...." Valt's face didn't show any emotion. Like a plain face that I really don't care and he just put his hand up to say hi. (Just like Frisk from Undertale)
"How the heck did you get here!?!!!" Red Eye growled and question.
The Snake pit was hard to find...again. But how did Valt find it again!?
Valt move his arm and shoulder slightly like I don't know...?
Red Eye glare at him and twitch his eye with are you serious face.
"Just get out of here!! I don't need you!!! Your just a weakness to me!!! All I need is Spriggan Requiem!! To destroy you!!!" Red Eye pulls out a hand full of nothing.
"Huh?!! What the!?!!" Shu didn't have Spriggan Requiem in his pocket. Where did it go?...
Valt holds Spriggan Requiem on his hand and stick out his tongue still didn't show any emotion.
"Grrrrrr!!!!!! Give me that!!!" Red Eye shouts and getting his bey back from Valt.
But Valt backs away and dodging Red Eye. Then he had the chase to run with Spriggan Requiem in his hand.
Ok, Red Eye is insane jerk for power but he can't curse at his weakness. That's just wrong and later Valt going to question what it means or say it...
Red Eye chase after Valt around the parts of the secret underground of the snake pit.
They were running through the metal hallways. Passing each different direction.
"VALT!!!!!" Red Eye growled and yelled in rage like a angry bull seeing the color red.
Valt turn and didn't say anything just kept on running.
He took a turn and the end of the halls was a dead end and a dark shadow on that dead end.
"He has no where to run or hide." Red Eye smile and smirk insanely.
Valt run but didn't stop were the dark shadowy dead end is. He went through it...
"What the!?!!" Red Eye was confuse, has so many question, and surprise at the same time.

Red Eye slows down and looked at the wall of the dead end that Valt some how went through...
"Hmm?...." Red Eye slowly puts his hand on the wall but there was nothing to touch. It's like there's no wall at all? Just a new path of opening...
"What the heck!?! Nevermind!!! My freaking weakness got my bey!!!" Red Eye growled like a mad dog.
Red Eye went through and run to catch up Valt or find him so he can kill him for taking his bey like that.
"Where are you!?!" Red Eye growled and grumbled in rage. He kept on running of dark of nothingness.
Red Eye was feeling a déjà vu here. Like when he found Spriggan Requiem and made him, his own.
Every steps he takes he still didn't spotted Valt anywhere
"Grrrrrr!!!!! WHERE THE HECK ARE YOU!!!!!!" Red Eye yelled and shout. You can hear his echo going through the dark of nothingness.
*pant pant* *pant pant* "Hmm!!! This is getting ridiculous!! Show yourself, weakness!!" Red Eye had enough of this childish game. All he wants is his bey nothing more.
A small red spark sparkles from the black dark ground.
"Huh!?!" Red Eye run up to it and his thoughts were right. It was his bey, Spriggan Requiem. On the floor alone.
"Hmm...... I guess he drop it...? Oh, well.... I got my bey that's all I care. I rather leave Valt here then Spriggan Requiem. Hehehehehe......." Red Eye chuckle insanely.
"Huh?!" Red Eye heard a strange bubbling popping sound...behind him.... He turn around and saw something bubbling on the ground.
"......." Red Eye feel disgusted just by looking at it.
The bubbles grow a little bigger and a hand came out and tries getting out of the dark floor grounds.
Red Eye's eyes widened as something came out of the floor. It was something?...
It has three head with three different face emotion. Happy, sad, and killer faces. It's body was different, it was made out of who knows what? It's look like ink, paint, or water?... Like a big blot.
But the shape of the parts of the body wasn't equal or the same. They were different. And there were holes and red bloody eyes staring at your soul and fears.
That thing finally was out of the floor and raise it's heads at Red Eye.
"Huh?!" Question Red Eye to himself.
*STOMP* "AaaAAaaAAAaaHHhhHHhhhH!!!!!!!!!"
It roars loudly beast like. Like a angry roaring bear. Red Eye was blown away and still on the floor not loosing his grip.
"Grragghh!! What the heck is that THING!!??!!" Question Red Eye. What is that thing, actually?...
Red Eye glare his eyes sharply at that thing his seeing in front of him. Some how he summoned his Spriggan Requiem's axe and split it into two.
The creature thing fell on the ground and was defeated.
"Hm! Weak....." Red Eye smile evilly.
"Huh?!!" Red Eye's eyes widened.
It came back up from the ground, but how!?!
"What!??!!!" Red Eye growled, he thought he finish that blot beast.
"Grrrrrrrrr!!!!!!! GRAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!" Red Eye charge, jump up and swing his axe on the black creature. He got the perfect hit, Red Eye smile but it was wiped away. The creature didn't fall or disappeared. It just keep getting himself back up.
"WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU!?!?" Red Eye kept on swing till he get that thing to stay down.
The creature raise one of his arms and push Red Eye out of the way.
"Ahhhh!!!!" Red Eye flew half of the floor and hits the dark ground.
"Grrrrrr!!!!" Red Eye got up and growled.
He got his axe and was going to swing that thing till it's dead.
"Graaahh!!! Huh!?!" Red Eye was going to charge but he was stop.
"What the!?" He look down and saw a black blot goop got his foot and can't get it out of the ground.
Red Eye tries getting his foot unstuck but that just making it worst. It started growing to Red Eye's leg.
"Grrrrrr!!! Huh? Ah!?" Red Eye couldn't get himself unstuck from what ever it is. Then a dark shadowy figure comes up to Red Eye.
Red Eye saw something above and in front of him. He turn and saw the creature again. It got on top of Red Eye.
"Gaaahhh!!!! GET OFF OF ME!!!" Red Eye push the creature off of him but that just made more black goop on him.
Red Eye was in trouble now. No where to run, no where to escape, and no one to be save.
He tries looking for something to get off of that thing on him.
"Grrrrrr!! Huh?" Red Eye move his head slightly then fully after he saw something.
"VALT?!!" Red Eye shouts his name. He can't believe his calling for help from his weakness.
Valt turn slightly and then....

Beyblade Burst Evolution: Blind Wing (Shu x Valt)Where stories live. Discover now