My brain is a universe

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You all think you know me, but damn I don't even know myself
Juging stares and eyes full of expactations
Please leave me alone

You say I'm successful
My friend you speak with a forced tongue
Maybe I am
But behind this success stands a burnt out body
An empty soul
Fill me with your words and I will be what you call me

They say you are more than the amount of your achievements
But I am less
Can't you see?
Can't you see that I'm dying?

I'm crying on the ground
And in my head a universe
And if I'm dying right now
An infinity of unspoken words dies with me

Don't tell me who I am
Don't tell me that I'm good
Don't tell me you undestand
Don't tell me it's fine

Cause it's not
And if I spend this night crying
Like every night
You don't care

Cause all you care about is my mask
You care about my appearance
And about my grades
But you don't care about me

Don't believe it
Why are you so naiv
Why do you believe the words
When they are spoken by broken people

Fuck it
I wanna scream
I don't care about rules anymore
Go to hell with your politeness
Can't you see that you are destroying me
Like you always do

I hate it
I hate this world
I hate you all
I hate myself
And I hate people

I hate all this people and those damn universes in their heads
Leave me alone
I don't care about your problems

What happened to the universe in your head?
Why is it bordered?
A sun, a planet
All is in orbit
With you as its centre
A universe has to be infinite
Where is your problem?
Why do you hide behind your little happiness?
The universe doesn't care about you
It doesn't know your name
So stop acting like you were important
Stop trying to fix me
Fix your own universe first

Face it, already
Stand up and break down the borders
Stop living in a golden cave
Maybe then you will undestand

When did you all forget how to think?
When did you became satisfied?
When did you became lazy?
And tell me
When did you became numb?
When did you became blank?
When did you became cold?
When did you became dumb?

There's a universe in my head
And it's killing me alive
There's a universe in my head
And I'm drowning in its infinity
There's a universe in my head
And I'm thinking so much I can't undestand

Why are you all so careless?
When did you stop thinking?
Maybe that's the key to happiness
But you know what?

You'll never get in the way of my thoughts
I'll never stop thinking
I'll never be like you
I'll never lose myself just to become happy

Do you hear me?
How loud do I have to scream to have you listening to me?
Don't lie to me
Just let me be

What kills me is that I seem to be the only one
Why does no one think like me?
Why aren't their thoughts so deep that they will drown if they don't watch out?

You gross me out
All you naiv children with your pure minds and little brains
Just learn to think already

Am I the only one who noticed how addled everything is?
I'm sick of living
Just leave me alone already

I can't stand your smiling faces
Telling me I did great

How I'm thinking about you?
What a bad person I am?
Stop complimenting me already!
I want you to shut up!
I want this world to quit down
So I can think in silence
So I can rest in peace
Just leave me alone already

I'm tired of you and your little brains
Your silliness annoys me
Don't be surprised when someone has an almost deep thought
Are you really that naiv?

That's not deep
That's what you all should know

I'm tired of being forgiving just because you are not interested in thinking

Hitting rock bottom of the dried out seaWhere stories live. Discover now